TRK Header Definitions

Last updated Feb 20, 2005

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This text (modified for readability) was extracted from the file:

[AirPoweredRC]Twin Thunder.trk

The text "Header Structure #" is NOT part of the file and is included here merely for reference.

The contents of user saved trk files is slightly different.



Number of Header Structures = 146
Header Structure #0
AIDDatabaseEntry = 6
  ATTRTYPE [int32] = 4
  IsAvailable [bool] = 1
  IsHidden [bool] = 1
  IsInvented [bool] = 1
  OVERLAYFILENAME [string] = 0
  SYMBOLNAME [string] = 0
Header Structure #1
AnimatedRideInstance = 69
  AIDDatabaseEntry [managedobjectptr] = 8
  AnimStates [array] = 1 [0]
    AnimStatesElement [int32] = 4
  AnimatedRideOverlayName [string] = 0
  AnimatedRideSymbolName [string] = 0
  AnimsToReplace [int32] = 4
  AssessedRunningCost [int32] = 4
  BuildTime [float32] = 4
  Direction [int32] = 4
  Entrance [managedobjectptr] = 8
  EntranceTimeRemaining [float32] = 4
  Exit [managedobjectptr] = 8
  ExitTimeRemaining [float32] = 4
  Fence [managedobjectptr] = 8
  FenceFlexiColours [struct] = 3 [12]
    COL0 [int32] = 4
    COL1 [int32] = 4
    COL2 [int32] = 4
  FixableFlags [bool] = 1
  FixableStatus [int32] = 4
  Flags [int32] = 4
  IntervalData [array] = 3 [0]
    GuestsPerInterval [int32] = 4
    IncomePerInterval [int32] = 4
    LossesPerInterval [int32] = 4
  LoadingState [int32] = 4
  LoadingStep [int32] = 4
  MaxWaitTime [int32] = 4
  MechanicInfo [reference] = 8
  MinWaitTime [int32] = 4
  Name [string] = 0
  NumCircuits [int32] = 4
  NumLoops [int32] = 4
  NumUnloadingSteps [int32] = 4
  OverrideFence [managedobjectptr] = 8
  PeopleOnRide [int32] = 4
  Popularity [int32] = 4
  Prototype [bool] = 1
  Queue [list] = 1 [0]
    Guest [managedobjectptr] = 8
  QueueFlexiColours [struct] = 3 [12]
    COL0 [int32] = 4
    COL1 [int32] = 4
    COL2 [int32] = 4
  QueueLine [reference] = 8
  RideAnimationCounts [array] = 1 [0]
    RideAnimationCountsElement [int32] = 4
  RideAnimations [array] = 1 [0]
    RideAnimationsElement [int32] = 4
  RideAssessmentResults [struct] = 5 [25]
    AssessmentIsValid [bool] = 1
    AssessmentRatings [vector3] = 12
    AssessmentReliability [float32] = 4
    AssessmentUnderCover [float32] = 4
    AssessmentValue [float32] = 4
  RideMusicSelection [string] = 0
  RideSectionStates [array] = 1 [0]
    RideSectionStateElement [int32] = 4
  RideState [int32] = 4
  RideStateTime [float32] = 4
  RideStations [array] = 7 [0]
    Entrance [managedobjectptr] = 8
    EntranceTimeRemaining [float32] = 4
    Exit [managedobjectptr] = 8
    ExitTimeRemaining [float32] = 4
    Queue [list] = 1 [0]
      Guest [managedobjectptr] = 8
    QueueLine [reference] = 8
    m_queueTimeSecs [float32] = 4
  Satisfaction [int32] = 4
  Scenery [managedobjectptr] = 8
  SectionAgeTypes [array] = 1 [0]
    SectionAgeTypeElement [int32] = 4
  StartedLoadingStep [int32] = 4
  State [int32] = 4
  ThoughtsAbout [array] = 5 [0]
    About [reference] = 8
    GuestReference [reference] = 8
    Thought [int32] = 4
    Time [float32] = 4
    Variant [int32] = 4
  TicketPrice [int32] = 4
  TimeSinceCycle [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastBreakdown [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastBreakdownHandle [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastBreakdownRemind [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastCrash [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastInspection [float32] = 4
  TotalGuests [int32] = 4
  TotalProfit [int32] = 4
  WaitForLoad [int32] = 4
  m_breakdownType [int32] = 4
  m_checkBreakdownUpdateTime [float32] = 4
  m_downTimeCounters [array] = 1 [0]
    m_downTimeCountersElement [int32] = 4
  m_downTimePercent [float32] = 4
  m_favouriteRideCount [int32] = 4
  m_inspectionInterval [int32] = 4
  m_lastBreakdownType [int32] = 4
  m_minutesSinceLastInspection [int32] = 4
  m_queueTimeSecs [float32] = 4
  m_reliability [float32] = 4
  m_updateDownTimeCounter [int32] = 4
Header Structure #2
AttractionInstance = 15
  AIDDatabaseEntry [managedobjectptr] = 8
  AssessedRunningCost [int32] = 4
  BuildTime [float32] = 4
  Direction [int32] = 4
  Flags [int32] = 4
  IntervalData [array] = 3 [0]
    GuestsPerInterval [int32] = 4
    IncomePerInterval [int32] = 4
    LossesPerInterval [int32] = 4
  Name [string] = 0
  Popularity [int32] = 4
  Prototype [bool] = 1
  Satisfaction [int32] = 4
  State [int32] = 4
  ThoughtsAbout [array] = 5 [0]
    About [reference] = 8
    GuestReference [reference] = 8
    Thought [int32] = 4
    Time [float32] = 4
    Variant [int32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastCrash [float32] = 4
  TotalGuests [int32] = 4
  TotalProfit [int32] = 4
Header Structure #3
AttractionPersonInfo = 8
  Attraction [reference] = 8
  Confirmed [bool] = 1
  EntryIndex [int32] = 4
  Matrix [matrix44] = 64
  Person [reference] = 8
  SeatIndex [int32] = 4
  State [int32] = 4
  Target [int32] = 4
Header Structure #4
AttractionInstanceFI = 8
  FixableFlags [bool] = 1
  FixableStatus [int32] = 4
  MechanicInfo [reference] = 8
  TimeSinceCycle [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastBreakdown [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastBreakdownHandle [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastBreakdownRemind [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastInspection [float32] = 4
Header Structure #5
AttractionPersonInfoFI = 0
Header Structure #6
MiniGolfPersonInfo = 16
  Attraction [reference] = 8
  Confirmed [bool] = 1
  EntryIndex [int32] = 4
  Flags [int32] = 4
  GetOffAtExit [bool] = 1
  Matrix [matrix44] = 64
  MiniGolfState [int32] = 4
  Person [reference] = 8
  SeatIndex [int32] = 4
  Shot [int32] = 4
  State [int32] = 4
  StationIndex [int32] = 4
  Stroke [int32] = 4
  SwapOnOff [bool] = 1
  Target [int32] = 4
  TrackPiece [managedobjectptr] = 8
Header Structure #7
RideCarCrash = 11
  AngVel [vector3] = 12
  BounceCount [int32] = 4
  CollisionRadius [float32] = 4
  CrashState [int32] = 4
  ExplodeDuration [float32] = 4
  IsSwingPart [bool] = 1
  Or [orientation] = 12
  Pos [vector3] = 12
  RideCarInstance [managedobjectptr] = 8
  SceneryCollisionCount [int32] = 4
  Vel [vector3] = 12
Header Structure #8
RideCarInstance = 38
  ActiveRideCamPoint [int32] = 4
  AngVel [vector3] = 12
  BounceCount [int32] = 4
  CAState [int32] = 4
  CollisionRadius [float32] = 4
  CrashState [int32] = 4
  CurrentDoorAnim [int32] = 4
  CurrentMainAnim [int32] = 4
  CurrentRestrainAnim [int32] = 4
  ExplodeDuration [float32] = 4
  Flags [int32] = 4
  FrontWheelDistance [float32] = 4
  FrontWheelsOnAltSplines [bool] = 1
  FrontWheelsOnAltSplinesSpeedFactor [float32] = 4
  GotRideCamPos [bool] = 1
  HasFollowCam [bool] = 1
  IsSwingPart [bool] = 1
  LARState [int32] = 4
  NCars [int32] = 4
  NumPeepsInCar [int32] = 4
  Or [orientation] = 12
  Pos [vector3] = 12
  RearWheelDistance [float32] = 4
  RearWheelsOnAltSplines [bool] = 1
  RearWheelsOnAltSplinesSpeedFactor [float32] = 4
  RideCamOffset [vector3] = 12
  RideCamOrient [orientation] = 12
  RideCamPos [vector3] = 12
  RideCarInstance [managedobjectptr] = 8
  RideCarSpinSwingPart [managedobjectptr] = 8
  RideTrainInstance [managedobjectptr] = 8
  SceneryCollisionCount [int32] = 4
  State [int32] = 4
  Stats [struct] = 21 [160]
    AccelValid [bool] = 1
    AngVelocity [vector3] = 12
    Distance [float32] = 4
    Length [float32] = 4
    Mass [float32] = 4
    MidSplinePos [vector3] = 12
    Orient [orientation] = 12
    Pos [vector3] = 12
    PosValid [bool] = 1
    RearTrackPiece [managedobjectptr] = 8
    Reversed [bool] = 1
    SeatAccel [vector3] = 12
    Speed [float32] = 4
    TrackAccel [vector3] = 12
    TrackOrient [orientation] = 12
    TrackPiece [managedobjectptr] = 8
    TrackVelocity [vector3] = 12
    VelTimeDeltaAccum [float32] = 4
    VelocityValid [bool] = 1
    WorldAccel [vector3] = 12
    WorldVelocity [vector3] = 12
  TrackWaterWaveFactors [vector3] = 12
  Vel [vector3] = 12
  WhichCar [int32] = 4
  WhichRideTrainCar [int32] = 4
Header Structure #9
RideCarSpinningPart = 24
  AlignTargetVelAboutU [float32] = 4
  AngVel [vector3] = 12
  AngleAboutU [float32] = 4
  AngularVelAboutU [float32] = 4
  BounceCount [int32] = 4
  CollisionRadius [float32] = 4
  CrashState [int32] = 4
  ExplodeDuration [float32] = 4
  IsSwingPart [bool] = 1
  Length [float32] = 4
  Mass [float32] = 4
  Mode [int32] = 4
  Or [orientation] = 12
  PivotOrient [orientation] = 12
  PivotPos [vector3] = 12
  Pos [vector3] = 12
  PosValid [bool] = 1
  RideCarInstance [managedobjectptr] = 8
  SceneryCollisionCount [int32] = 4
  SpinState [int32] = 4
  UnrotatedOrient [orientation] = 12
  UseCarVisual [bool] = 1
  Vel [vector3] = 12
  WhichCar [int32] = 4
Header Structure #10
RideCarSpinSwingPart = 18
  AngVel [vector3] = 12
  BounceCount [int32] = 4
  CollisionRadius [float32] = 4
  CrashState [int32] = 4
  ExplodeDuration [float32] = 4
  IsSwingPart [bool] = 1
  Mass [float32] = 4
  Mode [int32] = 4
  Or [orientation] = 12
  PivotOrient [orientation] = 12
  PivotPos [vector3] = 12
  Pos [vector3] = 12
  PosValid [bool] = 1
  RideCarInstance [managedobjectptr] = 8
  SceneryCollisionCount [int32] = 4
  UseCarVisual [bool] = 1
  Vel [vector3] = 12
  WhichCar [int32] = 4
Header Structure #11
RideCarSwingingPart = 25
  AngVel [vector3] = 12
  AngleAboutF [float32] = 4
  AngleAboutR [float32] = 4
  AngularVelAboutF [float32] = 4
  AngularVelAboutR [float32] = 4
  BounceCount [int32] = 4
  CollisionRadius [float32] = 4
  CrashState [int32] = 4
  ExplodeDuration [float32] = 4
  IsSwingPart [bool] = 1
  Length [float32] = 4
  Mass [float32] = 4
  Mode [int32] = 4
  Or [orientation] = 12
  PivotOrient [orientation] = 12
  PivotPos [vector3] = 12
  Pos [vector3] = 12
  PosValid [bool] = 1
  RideCarInstance [managedobjectptr] = 8
  RotatedEndOrient [orientation] = 12
  SceneryCollisionCount [int32] = 4
  UnrotatedEndOrient [orientation] = 12
  UseCarVisual [bool] = 1
  Vel [vector3] = 12
  WhichCar [int32] = 4
Header Structure #12
RideInstance = 52
  AIDDatabaseEntry [managedobjectptr] = 8
  AssessedRunningCost [int32] = 4
  BuildTime [float32] = 4
  Direction [int32] = 4
  Entrance [managedobjectptr] = 8
  EntranceTimeRemaining [float32] = 4
  Exit [managedobjectptr] = 8
  ExitTimeRemaining [float32] = 4
  Fence [managedobjectptr] = 8
  FenceFlexiColours [struct] = 3 [12]
    COL0 [int32] = 4
    COL1 [int32] = 4
    COL2 [int32] = 4
  FixableFlags [bool] = 1
  FixableStatus [int32] = 4
  Flags [int32] = 4
  IntervalData [array] = 3 [0]
    GuestsPerInterval [int32] = 4
    IncomePerInterval [int32] = 4
    LossesPerInterval [int32] = 4
  MaxWaitTime [int32] = 4
  MechanicInfo [reference] = 8
  MinWaitTime [int32] = 4
  Name [string] = 0
  NumCircuits [int32] = 4
  OverrideFence [managedobjectptr] = 8
  Popularity [int32] = 4
  Prototype [bool] = 1
  Queue [list] = 1 [0]
    Guest [managedobjectptr] = 8
  QueueFlexiColours [struct] = 3 [12]
    COL0 [int32] = 4
    COL1 [int32] = 4
    COL2 [int32] = 4
  QueueLine [reference] = 8
  RideAssessmentResults [struct] = 5 [25]
    AssessmentIsValid [bool] = 1
    AssessmentRatings [vector3] = 12
    AssessmentReliability [float32] = 4
    AssessmentUnderCover [float32] = 4
    AssessmentValue [float32] = 4
  RideMusicSelection [string] = 0
  RideStations [array] = 7 [0]
    Entrance [managedobjectptr] = 8
    EntranceTimeRemaining [float32] = 4
    Exit [managedobjectptr] = 8
    ExitTimeRemaining [float32] = 4
    Queue [list] = 1 [0]
      Guest [managedobjectptr] = 8
    QueueLine [reference] = 8
    m_queueTimeSecs [float32] = 4
  Satisfaction [int32] = 4
  State [int32] = 4
  ThoughtsAbout [array] = 5 [0]
    About [reference] = 8
    GuestReference [reference] = 8
    Thought [int32] = 4
    Time [float32] = 4
    Variant [int32] = 4
  TicketPrice [int32] = 4
  TimeSinceCycle [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastBreakdown [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastBreakdownHandle [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastBreakdownRemind [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastCrash [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastInspection [float32] = 4
  TotalGuests [int32] = 4
  TotalProfit [int32] = 4
  WaitForLoad [int32] = 4
  m_breakdownType [int32] = 4
  m_checkBreakdownUpdateTime [float32] = 4
  m_downTimeCounters [array] = 1 [0]
    m_downTimeCountersElement [int32] = 4
  m_downTimePercent [float32] = 4
  m_favouriteRideCount [int32] = 4
  m_inspectionInterval [int32] = 4
  m_lastBreakdownType [int32] = 4
  m_minutesSinceLastInspection [int32] = 4
  m_queueTimeSecs [float32] = 4
  m_reliability [float32] = 4
  m_updateDownTimeCounter [int32] = 4
Header Structure #13
RidePersonInfo = 9
  Attraction [reference] = 8
  Confirmed [bool] = 1
  EntryIndex [int32] = 4
  Matrix [matrix44] = 64
  Person [reference] = 8
  SeatIndex [int32] = 4
  State [int32] = 4
  StationIndex [int32] = 4
  Target [int32] = 4
Header Structure #14
AnimatedRideEntry = 7
  BurnParticles [reference] = 8
  DustParticles [reference] = 8
  Flags [int32] = 4
  Ride [reference] = 8
  SteamIndex [array] = 1 [0]
    SteamIndexElement [int32] = 4
  SteamParticles [array] = 1 [0]
    SteamParticlesElement [reference] = 8
  SteamPosTime [array] = 1 [0]
    SteamPosTimeElement [float32] = 4
Header Structure #15
RideCarEntry = 3
  BurnParticles [reference] = 8
  ExplodeParticles [reference] = 8
  Flags [int32] = 4
Header Structure #16
RideCarSplashEntry = 3
  Flags [int32] = 4
  LeftSplashParticles [reference] = 8
  RightSplashParticles [reference] = 8
Header Structure #17
RideParticleManager = 6
  AnimatedRideEntries [list] = 1 [0]
    AnimatedRideEntry [managedobjectptr] = 8
  ParkBenchEntries [list] = 1 [0]
    ParkBenchEntry [reference] = 8
  PlacementLargeEntries [list] = 1 [0]
    PlacementLargeEntry [reference] = 8
  PlacementSmallEntries [list] = 1 [0]
    PlacementSmallEntry [reference] = 8
  RideCarEntries [list] = 1 [0]
    RideCarEntry [managedobjectptr] = 8
  RideCarSplashEntries [list] = 1 [0]
    RideCarSplashEntry [managedobjectptr] = 8
Header Structure #18
RideTrainInstance = 54
  Accel [float32] = 4
  AccelThrill [float32] = 4
  CableLiftTrain [managedobjectptr] = 8
  Cars [array] = 1 [0]
    Car [managedobjectptr] = 8
  ChainSpeedLimited [bool] = 1
  ChainState [int32] = 4
  ChainStateTimer [float32] = 4
  CicuitCount [int32] = 4
  Distance [float32] = 4
  DoneWaitAtTop [bool] = 1
  DropIntoOblivionThrill [float32] = 4
  DynamicFrictionCoeff [float32] = 4
  Flags [int32] = 4
  FrontTrackPiece [managedobjectptr] = 8
  LapStateDistance [float32] = 4
  LaunchForce [float32] = 4
  LaunchSpeed [float32] = 4
  LaunchSpeedAndForceValid [float32] = 4
  Length [float32] = 4
  Mass [float32] = 4
  NegGThrill [float32] = 4
  NegGVomitism [float32] = 4
  OffTrackAngularDiff [float32] = 4
  OffTrackAngularVel [float32] = 4
  OffTrackFirstWayPoint [bool] = 1
  OffTrackOrient [orientation] = 12
  OffTrackPosition [vector3] = 12
  OffTrackTiltAngle [float32] = 4
  OffTrackWayPoint [waypointlist] = 0
  OffTrackWayPointTime [float32] = 4
  OnWhichStation [int32] = 4
  Racing [struct] = 13 [47]
    Accel [float32] = 4
    ApexProbability [float32] = 4
    Decel [float32] = 4
    DecidedWantLeftOnRaceOver [bool] = 1
    IsRacing [bool] = 1
    LaneChangeProbability [float32] = 4
    LanePosition [float32] = 4
    LaneState [int32] = 4
    SlowOnCornerFactor [float32] = 4
    SlowOnCornerTimer [float32] = 4
    TopSpeed [float32] = 4
    TrackPiece [managedobjectptr] = 8
    WantLeftOnRaceOver [bool] = 1
  ReachedStart [bool] = 1
  RearTrackPiece [managedobjectptr] = 8
  Reversed [bool] = 1
  RideTrainOverlayName [string] = 0
  RideTrainSymbolName [string] = 0
  ShuttleDirection [int32] = 4
  SortIndex [int32] = 4
  Speed [float32] = 4
  SpeedThrill [float32] = 4
  StartStation [int32] = 4
  State [int32] = 4
  StateTime [float32] = 4
  StateTrackPiece [managedobjectptr] = 8
  StaticFrictionCoeff [float32] = 4
  Station [int32] = 4
  ThrillLiftTrainWhichThrillLift [int32] = 4
  TrackedRideInstance [managedobjectptr] = 8
  WaitingForTrainState [int32] = 4
  WaitingToGoAtWhichBlockSection [int32] = 4
  WhichCableLiftDisengaging [int32] = 4
  WhichTrain [int32] = 4
  WhichTrainOnThrillLift [int32] = 4
Header Structure #19
SpecialAttractionInstance = 29
  AIDDatabaseEntry [managedobjectptr] = 8
  AssessedRunningCost [int32] = 4
  AverageWithdrawn [int32] = 4
  BuildTime [float32] = 4
  Direction [int32] = 4
  FixableFlags [bool] = 1
  FixableStatus [int32] = 4
  Flags [int32] = 4
  IntervalData [array] = 3 [0]
    GuestsPerInterval [int32] = 4
    IncomePerInterval [int32] = 4
    LossesPerInterval [int32] = 4
  MechanicInfo [reference] = 8
  Name [string] = 0
  Popularity [int32] = 4
  Prototype [bool] = 1
  Satisfaction [int32] = 4
  Scenery [managedobjectptr] = 8
  SpecialAttractionOverlayName [string] = 0
  SpecialAttractionSymbolName [string] = 0
  State [int32] = 4
  ThoughtsAbout [array] = 5 [0]
    About [reference] = 8
    GuestReference [reference] = 8
    Thought [int32] = 4
    Time [float32] = 4
    Variant [int32] = 4
  TicketPrice [int32] = 4
  TimeSinceCycle [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastBreakdown [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastBreakdownHandle [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastBreakdownRemind [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastCrash [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastInspection [float32] = 4
  TotalGuests [int32] = 4
  TotalProfit [int32] = 4
  TotalWithdrawn [int32] = 4
Header Structure #20
SpecialAttractionPersonInfo = 11
  ActualLevel [int32] = 4
  Attraction [reference] = 8
  Confirmed [bool] = 1
  EntryIndex [int32] = 4
  Matrix [matrix44] = 64
  Person [reference] = 8
  SeatIndex [int32] = 4
  State [int32] = 4
  Target [int32] = 4
  TargetIndex [int32] = 4
  TargetLevel [int32] = 4
Header Structure #21
SplinePathPersonInfo = 15
  Attraction [reference] = 8
  BezierPos [float32] = 4
  Confirmed [bool] = 1
  EntryIndex [int32] = 4
  GuestLocation [int32] = 4
  LoopPos [int32] = 4
  Matrix [matrix44] = 64
  MovingBackwards [bool] = 1
  Person [reference] = 8
  SeatIndex [int32] = 4
  State [int32] = 4
  StationIndex [int32] = 4
  StubId [int32] = 4
  StubPos [int32] = 4
  Target [int32] = 4
Header Structure #22
StallInstance = 28
  AIDDatabaseEntry [managedobjectptr] = 8
  AssessedRunningCost [int32] = 4
  BuildTime [float32] = 4
  Direction [int32] = 4
  FixableFlags [bool] = 1
  FixableStatus [int32] = 4
  Flags [int32] = 4
  IntervalData [array] = 3 [0]
    GuestsPerInterval [int32] = 4
    IncomePerInterval [int32] = 4
    LossesPerInterval [int32] = 4
  MechanicInfo [reference] = 8
  Name [string] = 0
  Popularity [int32] = 4
  Prototype [bool] = 1
  Satisfaction [int32] = 4
  Scenery [managedobjectptr] = 8
  ShopExtras [list] = 1 [0]
    ShopExtra [managedobjectptr] = 8
  ShopItems [list] = 1 [0]
    ShopItem [managedobjectptr] = 8
  StallOverlayName [string] = 0
  StallSymbolName [string] = 0
  State [int32] = 4
  ThoughtsAbout [array] = 5 [0]
    About [reference] = 8
    GuestReference [reference] = 8
    Thought [int32] = 4
    Time [float32] = 4
    Variant [int32] = 4
  TimeSinceCycle [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastBreakdown [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastBreakdownHandle [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastBreakdownRemind [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastCrash [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastInspection [float32] = 4
  TotalGuests [int32] = 4
  TotalProfit [int32] = 4
Header Structure #23
StallPersonInfo = 9
  Attraction [reference] = 8
  Confirmed [bool] = 1
  EntryIndex [int32] = 4
  Matrix [matrix44] = 64
  Person [reference] = 8
  SeatIndex [int32] = 4
  State [int32] = 4
  Target [int32] = 4
  WaitTime [float32] = 4
Header Structure #24
Track = 8
  Direction [int32] = 4
  FirstSegment [managedobjectptr] = 8
  IsCircuit [bool] = 1
  LastSegment [managedobjectptr] = 8
  Prototype [bool] = 1
  Track [list] = 1 [0]
    TrackPiece [managedobjectptr] = 8
  TrackFlexiColours [struct] = 3 [12]
    COL0 [int32] = 4
    COL1 [int32] = 4
    COL2 [int32] = 4
  TrackedRideInstance [managedobjectptr] = 8
Header Structure #25
TrackedRideInstance = 93
  AIDDatabaseEntry [managedobjectptr] = 8
  AdvanceTimeRemainder [float32] = 4
  AssessedRunningCost [int32] = 4
  BlockBrakeOffSpeed [float32] = 4
  BlockSectionedMode [bool] = 1
  BlockSections [array] = 1 [0]
    Train [managedobjectptr] = 8
  BrakeSpeed [float32] = 4
  BuildTime [float32] = 4
  CableLiftTrains [array] = 1 [0]
    Train [managedobjectptr] = 8
  CarFlexiColours [struct] = 3 [12]
    COL0 [int32] = 4
    COL1 [int32] = 4
    COL2 [int32] = 4
  Direction [int32] = 4
  Entrance [managedobjectptr] = 8
  EntranceTimeRemaining [float32] = 4
  Exit [managedobjectptr] = 8
  ExitTimeRemaining [float32] = 4
  Fence [managedobjectptr] = 8
  FenceFlexiColours [struct] = 3 [12]
    COL0 [int32] = 4
    COL1 [int32] = 4
    COL2 [int32] = 4
  FixableFlags [bool] = 1
  FixableStatus [int32] = 4
  FixedSpeed [float32] = 4
  Flags [int32] = 4
  GraphAcceleration [graphedValue] = 0
  GraphAltitude [graphedValue] = 0
  GraphLateralG [graphedValue] = 0
  GraphSpeed [graphedValue] = 0
  GraphVerticalG [graphedValue] = 0
  IntervalData [array] = 3 [0]
    GuestsPerInterval [int32] = 4
    IncomePerInterval [int32] = 4
    LossesPerInterval [int32] = 4
  LaunchSpeed [float32] = 4
  LeaveIfAnotherTrainEntersStation [bool] = 1
  LiftChainSpeed [float32] = 4
  MaxWaitTime [int32] = 4
  MechanicInfo [reference] = 8
  MinWaitTime [int32] = 4
  NCarsPerTrain [int32] = 4
  NTrains [int32] = 4
  Name [string] = 0
  NumCircuits [int32] = 4
  OpMode [int32] = 4
  OperatingParametersInitialised [bool] = 1
  OverrideFence [managedobjectptr] = 8
  PeopleOnTrain [int32] = 4
  PlatformStyle [string] = 0
  PlatformType [string] = 0
  Popularity [int32] = 4
  Prototype [bool] = 1
  Queue [list] = 1 [0]
    Guest [managedobjectptr] = 8
  QueueFlexiColours [struct] = 3 [12]
    COL0 [int32] = 4
    COL1 [int32] = 4
    COL2 [int32] = 4
  QueueLine [reference] = 8
  RaceInProgress [bool] = 1
  RaceOver [bool] = 1
  RaceWinnerIndex [int32] = 4
  RideAssessmentResults [struct] = 5 [25]
    AssessmentIsValid [bool] = 1
    AssessmentRatings [vector3] = 12
    AssessmentReliability [float32] = 4
    AssessmentUnderCover [float32] = 4
    AssessmentValue [float32] = 4
  RideMusicSelection [string] = 0
  RideSeats [array] = 3 [0]
    TrainCarNo [int32] = 4
    TrainCarSeatNo [int32] = 4
    TrainNo [int32] = 4
  RideStations [array] = 7 [0]
    Entrance [managedobjectptr] = 8
    EntranceTimeRemaining [float32] = 4
    Exit [managedobjectptr] = 8
    ExitTimeRemaining [float32] = 4
    Queue [list] = 1 [0]
      Guest [managedobjectptr] = 8
    QueueLine [reference] = 8
    m_queueTimeSecs [float32] = 4
  Satisfaction [int32] = 4
  SecondsSinceEndOfRace [float32] = 4
  SortedTrains [array] = 1 [0]
    Index [int32] = 4
  State [int32] = 4
  SyncTrains [bool] = 1
  ThoughtsAbout [array] = 5 [0]
    About [reference] = 8
    GuestReference [reference] = 8
    Thought [int32] = 4
    Time [float32] = 4
    Variant [int32] = 4
  ThrillLiftTrains [array] = 1 [0]
    Train [managedobjectptr] = 8
  TicketPrice [int32] = 4
  TimeSinceCycle [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastBreakdown [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastBreakdownHandle [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastBreakdownRemind [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastCrash [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastInspection [float32] = 4
  TotalGuests [int32] = 4
  TotalProfit [int32] = 4
  Track [managedobjectptr] = 8
  TrackedRideOverlayName [string] = 0
  TrackedRideStats [struct] = 14 [335]
    DistanceTravelled [float32] = 4
    GraphAccAcceleration [float32] = 4
    GraphAccAltitude [float32] = 4
    GraphAccCount [int32] = 4
    GraphAccLateralG [float32] = 4
    GraphAccSpeed [float32] = 4
    GraphAccVerticalG [float32] = 4
    GraphSampleCount [int32] = 4
    GraphedAccel [float32] = 4
    GraphedLateralG [float32] = 4
    GraphedVerticalG [float32] = 4
    LapTime [float32] = 4
    SamplesPerSecond [int32] = 4
    TrackedRideTesting [struct] = 13 [283]
      CornerAngle [float32] = 4
      DropStartHeight [float32] = 4
      InBankedCorner [bool] = 1
      InCornerState [int32] = 4
      InDrop [bool] = 1
      InLiftHill [bool] = 1
      InSlopedCorner [bool] = 1
      InTunnel [bool] = 1
      InvalidLap [bool] = 1
      Inverted [bool] = 1
      Results [struct] = 17 [128]
        AirTime [float32] = 4
        AverageSpeed [float32] = 4
        BankedCornerCounts [struct] = 4 [16]
          n180 [int32] = 4
          n270 [int32] = 4
          n360 [int32] = 4
          n90 [int32] = 4
        CornerCounts [struct] = 4 [16]
          n180 [int32] = 4
          n270 [int32] = 4
          n360 [int32] = 4
          n90 [int32] = 4
        HighestDropHeight [float32] = 4
        MaxLateralG [float32] = 4
        MaxNegativeVerticalG [float32] = 4
        MaxPositiveVerticalG [float32] = 4
        MaxSpeed [float32] = 4
        NDrops [int32] = 4
        NInversions [int32] = 4
        NLiftHills [int32] = 4
        RideLength [float32] = 4
        RideTime [float32] = 4
        SlopedCornerCounts [struct] = 4 [16]
          n180 [int32] = 4
          n270 [int32] = 4
          n360 [int32] = 4
          n90 [int32] = 4
        TrackSectionCounts [struct] = 7 [28]
          nHelices [int32] = 4
          nRapids [int32] = 4
          nSpinningTunnel [int32] = 4
          nTurnTable [int32] = 4
          nWaterFall [int32] = 4
          nWaterSplash [int32] = 4
          nWhirlpool [int32] = 4
        Valid [int32] = 4
      SavedTrackedRideTestResults [struct] = 17 [128]
        AirTime [float32] = 4
        AverageSpeed [float32] = 4
        BankedCornerCounts [struct] = 4 [16]
          n180 [int32] = 4
          n270 [int32] = 4
          n360 [int32] = 4
          n90 [int32] = 4
        CornerCounts [struct] = 4 [16]
          n180 [int32] = 4
          n270 [int32] = 4
          n360 [int32] = 4
          n90 [int32] = 4
        HighestDropHeight [float32] = 4
        MaxLateralG [float32] = 4
        MaxNegativeVerticalG [float32] = 4
        MaxPositiveVerticalG [float32] = 4
        MaxSpeed [float32] = 4
        NDrops [int32] = 4
        NInversions [int32] = 4
        NLiftHills [int32] = 4
        RideLength [float32] = 4
        RideTime [float32] = 4
        SlopedCornerCounts [struct] = 4 [16]
          n180 [int32] = 4
          n270 [int32] = 4
          n360 [int32] = 4
          n90 [int32] = 4
        TrackSectionCounts [struct] = 7 [28]
          nHelices [int32] = 4
          nRapids [int32] = 4
          nSpinningTunnel [int32] = 4
          nTurnTable [int32] = 4
          nWaterFall [int32] = 4
          nWaterSplash [int32] = 4
          nWhirlpool [int32] = 4
        Valid [int32] = 4
      TrackPiece [managedobjectptr] = 8
  TrackedRideSymbolName [string] = 0
  TrainSelection [int32] = 4
  Trains [array] = 1 [0]
    Train [managedobjectptr] = 8
  WaitForLoad [int32] = 4
  m_breakdownCar [int32] = 4
  m_breakdownSeatIndex [int32] = 4
  m_breakdownStation [int32] = 4
  m_breakdownTrain [int32] = 4
  m_breakdownType [int32] = 4
  m_checkBreakdownUpdateTime [float32] = 4
  m_downTimeCounters [array] = 1 [0]
    m_downTimeCountersElement [int32] = 4
  m_downTimePercent [float32] = 4
  m_favouriteRideCount [int32] = 4
  m_inspectionInterval [int32] = 4
  m_lastBreakdownType [int32] = 4
  m_minutesSinceLastInspection [int32] = 4
  m_queueTimeSecs [float32] = 4
  m_reliability [float32] = 4
  m_updateDownTimeCounter [int32] = 4
Header Structure #26
TrackedRidePersonInfo = 10
  Attraction [reference] = 8
  Confirmed [bool] = 1
  EntryIndex [int32] = 4
  GuestLocation [int32] = 4
  Matrix [matrix44] = 64
  Person [reference] = 8
  SeatIndex [int32] = 4
  State [int32] = 4
  StationIndex [int32] = 4
  Target [int32] = 4
Header Structure #27
TrackedRideInstanceSaveHeader = 11
  Cols [int32] = 4
  CompletionLevel [int32] = 4
  Cost [int32] = 4
  NeedScenarioComplete [int32] = 4
  RideAssessmentResults [struct] = 5 [25]
    AssessmentIsValid [bool] = 1
    AssessmentRatings [vector3] = 12
    AssessmentReliability [float32] = 4
    AssessmentUnderCover [float32] = 4
    AssessmentValue [float32] = 4
  Rows [int32] = 4
  SavedSelection [managedobjectptr] = 8
  TestResults [struct] = 13 [52]
    AirTime [float32] = 4
    AverageSpeed [float32] = 4
    HighestDropHeight [float32] = 4
    MaxLateralG [float32] = 4
    MaxNegativeVerticalG [float32] = 4
    MaxPositiveVerticalG [float32] = 4
    MaxSpeed [float32] = 4
    NDrops [int32] = 4
    NInversions [int32] = 4
    NLiftHills [int32] = 4
    RideLength [float32] = 4
    RideTime [float32] = 4
    Valid [int32] = 4
  TrackedRideInstance [managedobjectptr] = 8
  TrackedRidePreview [managedobjectptr] = 8
  TrackedRideSymbolName [string] = 0
Header Structure #28
TrackedRidePreview = 4
  Compact [array] = 1 [0]
    Compact [uint8] = 1
  Height [int32] = 4
  Red [array] = 1 [0]
    Red [uint8] = 1
  Width [int32] = 4
Header Structure #29
TrackExtraPiece = 6
  FlexiColourField [struct] = 3 [12]
    COL0 [int32] = 4
    COL1 [int32] = 4
    COL2 [int32] = 4
  Owner [managedobjectptr] = 8
  SIDDatabaseEntry [managedobjectptr] = 8
  SceneryItem [managedobjectptr] = 8
  SceneryItemDataField [struct] = 5 [20]
    CORNER [int32] = 4
    DIRECTION [int32] = 4
    HEIGHT [int32] = 4
    POSX [int32] = 4
    POSZ [int32] = 4
  TrackPiece [managedobjectptr] = 8
Header Structure #30
TrackPiece = 25
  BrakeSpeed [int32] = 4
  CarTransformBone [int32] = 4
  CurrentAnim [int32] = 4
  CurrentAnimIndex [int32] = 4
  CurrentAnimTime [float32] = 4
  FirstAdvance [bool] = 1
  FlexiColourField [struct] = 3 [12]
    COL0 [int32] = 4
    COL1 [int32] = 4
    COL2 [int32] = 4
  HoldingTime [int32] = 4
  HoldingTrain [managedobjectptr] = 8
  Next [managedobjectptr] = 8
  Owner [managedobjectptr] = 8
  PlatformPiece [managedobjectptr] = 8
  Prev [managedobjectptr] = 8
  Reversed [bool] = 1
  RideEventTriggers [list] = 4 [0]
    PreTrigger [bool] = 1
    SourceObject [reference] = 8
    TargetObject [reference] = 8
    Trigger [bool] = 1
  SIDDatabaseEntry [managedobjectptr] = 8
  SYMBOLNAME [string] = 0
  SceneryItem [managedobjectptr] = 8
  SceneryItemDataField [struct] = 5 [20]
    CORNER [int32] = 4
    DIRECTION [int32] = 4
    HEIGHT [int32] = 4
    POSX [int32] = 4
    POSZ [int32] = 4
  Segment [managedobjectptr] = 8
  StartDistance [float32] = 4
  StartDistanceBackwardsSpline [float32] = 4
  TargetAnimState [int32] = 4
  UserAngleDegrees [int32] = 4
  m_carTransformAtRestInverse [matrix44] = 64
Header Structure #31
TrackPlatformPiece = 7
  Flags [int32] = 4
  FlexiColourField [struct] = 3 [12]
    COL0 [int32] = 4
    COL1 [int32] = 4
    COL2 [int32] = 4
  Owner [managedobjectptr] = 8
  SIDDatabaseEntry [managedobjectptr] = 8
  SceneryItem [managedobjectptr] = 8
  SceneryItemDataField [struct] = 5 [20]
    CORNER [int32] = 4
    DIRECTION [int32] = 4
    HEIGHT [int32] = 4
    POSX [int32] = 4
    POSZ [int32] = 4
  TrackPiece [managedobjectptr] = 8
Header Structure #32
TrackSegment = 7
  Direction [int32] = 4
  FirstPiece [managedobjectptr] = 8
  LastPiece [managedobjectptr] = 8
  NextSegment [managedobjectptr] = 8
  PrevSegment [managedobjectptr] = 8
  Prototype [bool] = 1
  Track [managedobjectptr] = 8
Header Structure #33
WaterFlowManager = 0
Header Structure #34
MessageConsole = 2
  Messages [array] = 1 [0]
    Message [reference] = 8
  NextMessage [int32] = 4
Header Structure #35
MessageConsoleEntry = 2
  Text [resourcesymbol] = 0
  Time [float32] = 4
Header Structure #36
ObjectMessageConsoleEntry = 4
  Object [reference] = 8
  Panel [int32] = 4
  Text [resourcesymbol] = 0
  Time [float32] = 4
Header Structure #37
GUI2_DatDesc = 6
  DatGuestCountInt [int32] = 4
  DatMinutesSinceMidnight [int32] = 4
  DatMonth [int32] = 4
  DatParkName [string] = 0
  DatPreview [array] = 3 [0]
    B [uint8] = 1
    G [uint8] = 1
    R [uint8] = 1
  DatYear [int32] = 4
Header Structure #38
GUI2_CurrentDatDesc = 1
  CurrDatDesc [reference] = 8
Header Structure #39
Money = 20
  AverageGuestATMFunds [int32] = 4
  AverageGuestCash [int32] = 4
  BuildRitesBuyCost [int32] = 4
  BuildRitesSellCost [int32] = 4
  Cash [int32] = 4
  CashLessLoan [graphedValue] = 0
  CompanyValue [graphedValue] = 0
  EntranceFee [int32] = 4
  Expendature [graphedValue] = 0
  Flags [int32] = 4
  Income [graphedValue] = 0
  InterestRate [float32] = 4
  LandBuyCost [int32] = 4
  LandSellCost [int32] = 4
  Loan [int32] = 4
  MaxLoan [int32] = 4
  MonthlyExpendature [array] = 17 [0]
    FoodDrinkSales [int32] = 4
    FoodDrinkStock [int32] = 4
    LandPurchase [int32] = 4
    Landscaping [int32] = 4
    LoanInterest [int32] = 4
    Marketing [int32] = 4
    Other [int32] = 4
    ParkEntranceTickets [int32] = 4
    PrizeMoney [int32] = 4
    Research [int32] = 4
    RideConstruction [int32] = 4
    RideRunningCosts [int32] = 4
    RideTickets [int32] = 4
    ShopSales [int32] = 4
    ShopStock [int32] = 4
    StaffTraining [int32] = 4
    StaffWages [int32] = 4
  ParkValue [graphedValue] = 0
  SharePrice [graphedValue] = 0
  WeeklyProfit [graphedValue] = 0
Header Structure #40
CoasterCondition = 11
  CmpVal [float32] = 4
  Completed [bool] = 1
  ConditionId [int32] = 4
  Consistant [int32] = 4
  ConsistantFlags [int32] = 4
  Difficulty [int32] = 4
  Flags [int32] = 4
  NextCheckTime [float32] = 4
  NumRequired [int32] = 4
  ObjectiveId [int32] = 4
  StartTime [float32] = 4
Header Structure #41
Objective = 4
  Difficulty [int32] = 4
  ObjectiveId [int32] = 4
  Prize [int32] = 4
  Success [bool] = 1
Header Structure #42
ObjectiveCondition = 4
  Completed [bool] = 1
  ConditionId [int32] = 4
  Difficulty [int32] = 4
  ObjectiveId [int32] = 4
Header Structure #43
GenericConsistantCondition = 8
  Completed [bool] = 1
  ConditionId [int32] = 4
  Consistant [int32] = 4
  ConsistantFlags [int32] = 4
  Difficulty [int32] = 4
  NextCheckTime [float32] = 4
  ObjectiveId [int32] = 4
  StartTime [float32] = 4
Header Structure #44
GenericValueCondition = 9
  Completed [bool] = 1
  ConditionId [int32] = 4
  Consistant [int32] = 4
  ConsistantFlags [int32] = 4
  Difficulty [int32] = 4
  NextCheckTime [float32] = 4
  ObjectiveId [int32] = 4
  StartTime [float32] = 4
  Value [int32] = 4
Header Structure #45
ParkValueCondition = 9
  Completed [bool] = 1
  ConditionId [int32] = 4
  Consistant [int32] = 4
  ConsistantFlags [int32] = 4
  Difficulty [int32] = 4
  NextCheckTime [float32] = 4
  ObjectiveId [int32] = 4
  StartTime [float32] = 4
  Value [int32] = 4
Header Structure #46
ShopProfitCondition = 9
  Completed [bool] = 1
  ConditionId [int32] = 4
  Consistant [int32] = 4
  ConsistantFlags [int32] = 4
  Difficulty [int32] = 4
  NextCheckTime [float32] = 4
  ObjectiveId [int32] = 4
  StartTime [float32] = 4
  Value [int32] = 4
Header Structure #47
RideIncomeCondition = 9
  Completed [bool] = 1
  ConditionId [int32] = 4
  Consistant [int32] = 4
  ConsistantFlags [int32] = 4
  Difficulty [int32] = 4
  NextCheckTime [float32] = 4
  ObjectiveId [int32] = 4
  StartTime [float32] = 4
  Value [int32] = 4
Header Structure #48
ParkRatingCondition = 9
  Completed [bool] = 1
  ConditionId [int32] = 4
  Consistant [int32] = 4
  ConsistantFlags [int32] = 4
  Difficulty [int32] = 4
  NextCheckTime [float32] = 4
  ObjectiveId [int32] = 4
  StartTime [float32] = 4
  Value [int32] = 4
Header Structure #49
ParkGuestsCondition = 9
  Completed [bool] = 1
  ConditionId [int32] = 4
  Consistant [int32] = 4
  ConsistantFlags [int32] = 4
  Difficulty [int32] = 4
  NextCheckTime [float32] = 4
  ObjectiveId [int32] = 4
  StartTime [float32] = 4
  Value [int32] = 4
Header Structure #50
RepayLoanCondition = 8
  Completed [bool] = 1
  ConditionId [int32] = 4
  Consistant [int32] = 4
  ConsistantFlags [int32] = 4
  Difficulty [int32] = 4
  NextCheckTime [float32] = 4
  ObjectiveId [int32] = 4
  StartTime [float32] = 4
Header Structure #51
VIPCondition = 39
  AutographTolerance [float32] = 4
  AverageHappiness [float32] = 4
  BreakdownTolerance [float32] = 4
  CheckTime [float32] = 4
  CoastersDone [array] = 1 [0]
    Coaster [reference] = 8
  CoastersNeeded [int32] = 4
  Completed [bool] = 1
  ConditionId [int32] = 4
  ConditionMet [bool] = 1
  Difficulty [int32] = 4
  Fame [float32] = 4
  FirstInsertTime [float32] = 4
  GivenMonthWarning [bool] = 1
  GivenWeekWarning [bool] = 1
  HappinessKnown [float32] = 4
  HasVIPEverVisited [bool] = 1
  InitialEnergy [float32] = 4
  InitialHappiness [float32] = 4
  InsertionInterval [int32] = 4
  LitterTolerance [float32] = 4
  MinExcitment [float32] = 4
  MonthsToStayInPark [int32] = 4
  NauseaTolerance [float32] = 4
  NextInsertVIPTime [float32] = 4
  NumBodyGuards [int32] = 4
  ObjectiveId [int32] = 4
  PreferedStyle [int32] = 4
  PreferredIntersity [float32] = 4
  SceneryNeeded [int32] = 4
  SeenFireworks [bool] = 1
  SeenScenery [bool] = 1
  SpecifyFlags [int32] = 4
  Started [bool] = 1
  SubConditionFlags [int32] = 4
  SubTypeVIP [uint8] = 1
  TargetHappiness [float32] = 4
  VIPFlags [int32] = 4
  VIPReference [reference] = 8
  VIPRoute [managedobjectptr] = 8
Header Structure #52
VIPRoute = 3
  CurrentTargetIndex [int32] = 4
  Route [list] = 3 [0]
    StateType [int32] = 4
    Target [reference] = 8
    TargetType [int32] = 4
  Visiting [bool] = 1
Header Structure #53
Park = 28
  AdultAppeal [graphedValue] = 0
  AdultsInPark [graphedValue] = 0
  AssessedEntranceFee [graphedValue] = 0
  ChildrenAppeal [graphedValue] = 0
  ChildrenInPark [graphedValue] = 0
  ClosingTimeMinutes [int32] = 4
  Flags [int32] = 4
  GuestGenerationRate [float32] = 4
  GuestIntake [graphedValue] = 0
  GuestRideIntensityPreference [float32] = 4
  GuestThinkCycle [int32] = 4
  GuestsInPark [graphedValue] = 0
  GuestsOnWayToPark [graphedValue] = 0
  IdealGuests [graphedValue] = 0
  InitialGuestHappiness [float32] = 4
  InitialGuestHunger [float32] = 4
  InitialGuestThirst [float32] = 4
  Name [string] = 0
  ObjectiveText [string] = 0
  OpeningTimeMinutes [int32] = 4
  ParkFenceEntry [reference] = 8
  ParkRating [graphedValue] = 0
  ParkRatingPenalty [int32] = 4
  PublicityLevel [graphedValue] = 0
  ScenarioDescription [string] = 0
  ScenarioName [string] = 0
  TeenagerAppeal [graphedValue] = 0
  TeenagersInPark [graphedValue] = 0
Header Structure #54
ParkEntranceBehaviour = 1
  "SceneryItem" [reference] = 8
Header Structure #55
PathManager = 1
  TileList [PathTileList] = 0
Header Structure #56
PathTile = 7
  ColIndex [uint8] = 1
  Direction [uint8] = 1
  PathType [uint8] = 1
  RowIndex [uint8] = 1
  Surface [reference] = 8
  SurfaceType [uint8] = 1
  bool [uint8] = 1
Header Structure #57
PathGround = 7
  ColIndex [uint8] = 1
  Direction [uint8] = 1
  PathType [uint8] = 1
  RowIndex [uint8] = 1
  Surface [reference] = 8
  SurfaceType [uint8] = 1
  bool [uint8] = 1
Header Structure #58
PathFlying = 11
  BaseHeight [int32] = 4
  ColIndex [uint8] = 1
  Direction [uint8] = 1
  PathType [uint8] = 1
  QuantisedHeight [int32] = 4
  RowIndex [uint8] = 1
  SceneryItem [reference] = 8
  SlopeType [uint8] = 1
  Surface [reference] = 8
  SurfaceType [uint8] = 1
  bool [uint8] = 1
Header Structure #59
PathQueue = 16
  BaseHeight [int32] = 4
  ColIndex [uint8] = 1
  Direction [uint8] = 1
  EndDirection [uint8] = 1
  FenceEntry [managedobjectptr] = 8
  FenceFlexiColours [struct] = 3 [12]
    COL0 [int32] = 4
    COL1 [int32] = 4
    COL2 [int32] = 4
  PathType [uint8] = 1
  QuantisedHeight [int32] = 4
  QueueLine [reference] = 8
  RowIndex [uint8] = 1
  SceneryItem [reference] = 8
  SlopeType [uint8] = 1
  StartDirection [uint8] = 1
  Surface [reference] = 8
  SurfaceType [uint8] = 1
  bool [uint8] = 1
Header Structure #60
PathTypeDatabaseEntry = 4
  IsAvailable [bool] = 1
  IsHidden [bool] = 1
  IsInvented [bool] = 1
  SystemName [string] = 0
Header Structure #61
BaseQueueLine = 2
  HeadTile [reference] = 8
  QueueSize [int32] = 4
Header Structure #62
QueueLine = 4
  HeadTile [reference] = 8
  QueueSize [int32] = 4
  RideInstance [reference] = 8
  StationIndex [int32] = 4
Header Structure #63
FakeQueueLine = 2
  HeadTile [reference] = 8
  QueueSize [int32] = 4
Header Structure #64
QueueTypeGroundSurface = 2
  Colours [struct] = 3 [12]
    COL0 [int32] = 4
    COL1 [int32] = 4
    COL2 [int32] = 4
  QueueType [managedobjectptr] = 8
Header Structure #65
QueueTypeDatabaseEntry = 4
  IsAvailable [bool] = 1
  IsHidden [bool] = 1
  IsInvented [bool] = 1
  SystemName [string] = 0
Header Structure #66
AvatarDatabaseEntry = 3
  AvatarName [string] = 0
  GuestGroup [reference] = 8
  Version [int32] = 4
Header Structure #67
Entertainer = 88
  AlternateWalkingAnim [int32] = 4
  AnimCount [int32] = 4
  AnimSpeed [float32] = 4
  AnimTime [float32] = 4
  AnimType [int32] = 4
  AttractionEntryIndex [int32] = 4
  AttractionPersonInfo [managedobjectptr] = 8
  AttractionsVisited [list] = 1 [0]
    Attraction [reference] = 8
  AvgTileCol [float32] = 4
  AvgTileCounter [float32] = 4
  AvgTileRow [float32] = 4
  Bad [bool] = 1
  BodyOptionals [uint32] = 4
  BodyPartGroup [reference] = 8
  CurrentWalkAnim [int32] = 4
  DecideTime [float32] = 4
  Facing [bool] = 1
  FacingAngle [float32] = 4
  FallVel [float32] = 4
  Flags [int32] = 4
  GridSizeX [uint8] = 1
  GridSizeY [uint8] = 1
  Happiness [float32] = 4
  HeadOptionals [uint32] = 4
  HeadPartGroup [reference] = 8
  IdleAnim [int32] = 4
  LastTaskType [int32] = 4
  Laziness [float32] = 4
  LegsOptionals [uint32] = 4
  LegsPartGroup [reference] = 8
  LevelOfDetail [uint8] = 1
  LookAtDist [float32] = 4
  LookAtExtra [int32] = 4
  LookAtH [float32] = 4
  LookAtTarget [reference] = 8
  LookAtType [int32] = 4
  LookAtV [float32] = 4
  LowerClothingPalette [uint8] = 1
  MoveSpeed [float32] = 4
  MyHolders [managedobjectptr] = 8
  NameS [string] = 0
  NumGuestsOk [bool] = 1
  NumRidesDone [int32] = 4
  OnRideTime [uint8] = 1
  ParticleSource [managedobjectptr] = 8
  PathOffset [vector3] = 12
  PatrolZoneEncoded [array] = 1 [0]
    PatrolZoneEncodedElement [int32] = 4
  PerformInterupt [bool] = 1
  PersonType [uint8] = 1
  QueueingTime [float32] = 4
  RecentThoughts [array] = 5 [0]
    About [reference] = 8
    GuestReference [reference] = 8
    Thought [int32] = 4
    Time [float32] = 4
    Variant [int32] = 4
  RideQueueOffset [float32] = 4
  RideSeating [int32] = 4
  RouteController [reference] = 8
  ShowPieceIndex [int32] = 4
  SkinPalette [uint8] = 1
  StaffTypeId [int32] = 4
  StartCol [uint8] = 1
  StartDate [float32] = 4
  StartRow [uint8] = 1
  StartState [bool] = 1
  State [int32] = 4
  StateTarget [reference] = 8
  SubState [int32] = 4
  SubType [uint8] = 1
  SwimStuck [bool] = 1
  SwimWanderDir [struct] = 2 [8]
    X [float32] = 4
    Z [float32] = 4
  SwimWantsDir [struct] = 2 [8]
    X [float32] = 4
    Z [float32] = 4
  TargetOnRideReaction [int32] = 4
  TemporaryAlternateWalkingAnimTimer [float32] = 4
  ThinkTimer [float32] = 4
  ThinksSinceDifferentTask [int32] = 4
  ThinksSinceHappy [int32] = 4
  ThinksSinceLastTask [int32] = 4
  ThinksSinceNoTask [int32] = 4
  ThinksToNextBigThink [float32] = 4
  ThoughtsToConsole [bool] = 1
  TimeTillEntertain [float32] = 4
  TimeToNextThink [int32] = 4
  TooFewManyGuestsTime [float32] = 4
  Training [uint32] = 4
  UpperClothingPalette [uint8] = 1
  VomitStarted [bool] = 1
  WageLevel [uint32] = 4
  Warnings [uint32] = 4
  WaterHeight [float32] = 4
  WayPoints [waypointlist] = 0
  WorldMatrix [matrix44] = 64
Header Structure #68
Guest = 90
  AlternateWalkingAnim [int32] = 4
  AngryFace [uint8] = 1
  AnimSpeed [float32] = 4
  AnimTime [float32] = 4
  AnimType [int32] = 4
  AssessSceneryTimer [uint8] = 1
  AttractionEntryIndex [int32] = 4
  AttractionPersonInfo [managedobjectptr] = 8
  AttractionsVisited [list] = 1 [0]
    Attraction [reference] = 8
  AvgTileCol [float32] = 4
  AvgTileCounter [float32] = 4
  AvgTileRow [float32] = 4
  BadEntertainer [bool] = 1
  BadFoodTime [float32] = 4
  BodyOptionals [uint32] = 4
  BodyPartGroup [reference] = 8
  CashInfo [struct] = 9 [36]
    ATMCash [int32] = 4
    CurrentCash [int32] = 4
    SpentOnDrink [int32] = 4
    SpentOnFood [int32] = 4
    SpentOnParkEntry [int32] = 4
    SpentOnRides [int32] = 4
    SpentOnSouvenirs [int32] = 4
    TotalSpent [int32] = 4
    WithdrawnCash [int32] = 4
  ConsumingAmount [float32] = 4
  Consumption [struct] = 3 [12]
    DrinkF [float32] = 4
    FoodF [float32] = 4
    ToiletF [float32] = 4
  CurrentHealth [struct] = 3 [12]
    EnergyF [float32] = 4
    HappinessF [float32] = 4
    NauseaF [float32] = 4
  CurrentWalkAnim [int32] = 4
  DecideTime [float32] = 4
  FacingAngle [float32] = 4
  FallVel [float32] = 4
  FavouriteRide [reference] = 8
  FavouriteRideRating [float32] = 4
  Flags [int32] = 4
  FlockSpeedFactorSmoother [float32] = 4
  GuestGroup [reference] = 8
  HeadOptionals [uint32] = 4
  HeadPartGroup [reference] = 8
  IdleAnim [int32] = 4
  IsAvatar [bool] = 1
  IsFacingPhoto [bool] = 1
  IsInPark [uint8] = 1
  LegsOptionals [uint32] = 4
  LegsPartGroup [reference] = 8
  LevelOfDetail [uint8] = 1
  LookAtDist [float32] = 4
  LookAtExtra [int32] = 4
  LookAtH [float32] = 4
  LookAtTarget [reference] = 8
  LookAtType [int32] = 4
  LookAtV [float32] = 4
  LowerClothingPalette [uint8] = 1
  ManLost [int32] = 4
  MoveSpeed [float32] = 4
  MyHolders [managedobjectptr] = 8
  NameS [string] = 0
  NauseaTolerance [int32] = 4
  NumDrinksBought [int32] = 4
  NumFoodItemsBought [int32] = 4
  NumRidesDone [int32] = 4
  NumSouvenirsBought [int32] = 4
  OnRideTime [uint8] = 1
  ParticleSource [managedobjectptr] = 8
  PathOffset [vector3] = 12
  PerformInterupt [bool] = 1
  PersonType [uint8] = 1
  PhotosTaken [int32] = 4
  PreferedIntensityMax [float32] = 4
  PreferedIntensityMin [float32] = 4
  PreferedRideIntensity [int32] = 4
  QueueingTime [float32] = 4
  RecentThoughts [array] = 5 [0]
    About [reference] = 8
    GuestReference [reference] = 8
    Thought [int32] = 4
    Time [float32] = 4
    Variant [int32] = 4
  RideQueueOffset [float32] = 4
  RideSeating [int32] = 4
  RouteController [reference] = 8
  SkinPalette [uint8] = 1
  StartDate [float32] = 4
  State [int32] = 4
  StateTarget [reference] = 8
  StatsTimer [float32] = 4
  SubState [int32] = 4
  SubType [uint8] = 1
  SwimStuck [bool] = 1
  SwimWanderDir [struct] = 2 [8]
    X [float32] = 4
    Z [float32] = 4
  SwimWantsDir [struct] = 2 [8]
    X [float32] = 4
    Z [float32] = 4
  TargetHealth [struct] = 3 [12]
    EnergyF [float32] = 4
    HappinessF [float32] = 4
    NauseaF [float32] = 4
  TargetOnRideReaction [int32] = 4
  TemporaryAlternateWalkingAnimTimer [float32] = 4
  ThinksToNextBigThink [float32] = 4
  ThoughtsToConsole [bool] = 1
  TimeInPark [int32] = 4
  TimeToNextThink [int32] = 4
  UpperClothingPalette [uint8] = 1
  VomitStarted [bool] = 1
  WaterHeight [float32] = 4
  WayPoints [waypointlist] = 0
  WorldMatrix [matrix44] = 64
Header Structure #69
GuestDemographics = 17
  Pop_AdultCouple [float32] = 4
  Pop_AdultFemale [float32] = 4
  Pop_AdultMale [float32] = 4
  Pop_AdultParty [float32] = 4
  Pop_ChildFemale [float32] = 4
  Pop_ChildMale [float32] = 4
  Pop_DayTrip [float32] = 4
  Pop_Family [float32] = 4
  Pop_LoneAdult [float32] = 4
  Pop_LoneTeenager [float32] = 4
  Pop_TeenageCouple [float32] = 4
  Pop_TeenageFemale [float32] = 4
  Pop_TeenageGang [float32] = 4
  Pop_TeenageMale [float32] = 4
  Prob_InterRacialCouple [float32] = 4
  Prob_MaleLeader [float32] = 4
  Prob_SingleParentFamily [float32] = 4
Header Structure #70
HoldHandsRouteController = 17
  Angle [float32] = 4
  AnimLeft [int32] = 4
  AnimMiddle [int32] = 4
  AnimRight [int32] = 4
  OffsetLeft [float32] = 4
  OffsetRight [float32] = 4
  PeepLeft [reference] = 8
  PeepMiddle [reference] = 8
  PeepRight [reference] = 8
  Position [vector3] = 12
  Radius [float32] = 4
  Size [int32] = 4
  Speed [float32] = 4
  SpeedLeft [float32] = 4
  SpeedMiddle [float32] = 4
  SpeedRight [float32] = 4
  WayPoints [waypointlist] = 0
Header Structure #71
GuestGroup = 37
  Avatar [reference] = 8
  AvgEnergy [float32] = 4
  AvgHappiness [float32] = 4
  AvgNausea [float32] = 4
  DesiredObjects [int32] = 4
  FirstDecision [bool] = 1
  FlockDecay [float32] = 4
  FlockFocus [reference] = 8
  FlockIndex [int32] = 4
  FlockProgress [float32] = 4
  FlockState [int32] = 4
  FlockSubState [int32] = 4
  FlockTarget [reference] = 8
  GuestGroupType [int32] = 4
  HoldHandsRouteController [reference] = 8
  Leader [reference] = 8
  MaxIntensity [float32] = 4
  MaxToilet [float32] = 4
  Members [array] = 1 [0]
    Member [reference] = 8
  MinDrink [float32] = 4
  MinFood [float32] = 4
  MinIntensity [float32] = 4
  NextActorAnim [int32] = 4
  NextChooser [int32] = 4
  NumMembers [int32] = 4
  NumMembersAlignedForPhoto [int32] = 4
  SetPieceActor0 [reference] = 8
  SetPieceActor1 [reference] = 8
  SetPieceFocus [vector3] = 12
  SetPiecePath [reference] = 8
  SetPiecePause [float32] = 4
  SetPiecePhotoF [vector3] = 12
  SetPiecePos [array] = 1 [0]
    Pos [vector3] = 12
  SetPieceState [int32] = 4
  SetPieceTakePhoto [bool] = 1
  SetPieceType [int32] = 4
  SetPieceVistaPoint [reference] = 8
Header Structure #72
GuestHolders = 9
  ConsumingItem [int32] = 4
  HeadHolder [reference] = 8
  LHandHolder [reference] = 8
  LPocketHolder [reference] = 8
  Person [managedobjectptr] = 8
  RHandHolder [reference] = 8
  RPocketHolder [reference] = 8
  SlotlessHolders [list] = 1 [0]
    SlotlessHolder [reference] = 8
  Umbrella [managedobjectptr] = 8
Header Structure #73
GuestInjectionPoint = 1
  "SceneryItem" [reference] = 8
Header Structure #74
Handyman = 86
  AlternateWalkingAnim [int32] = 4
  AnimSpeed [float32] = 4
  AnimTime [float32] = 4
  AnimType [int32] = 4
  AttractionEntryIndex [int32] = 4
  AttractionPersonInfo [managedobjectptr] = 8
  AttractionsVisited [list] = 1 [0]
    Attraction [reference] = 8
  AvgTileCol [float32] = 4
  AvgTileCounter [float32] = 4
  AvgTileRow [float32] = 4
  BinsEmptied [uint32] = 4
  BodyOptionals [uint32] = 4
  BodyPartGroup [reference] = 8
  CurrentWalkAnim [int32] = 4
  DecideTime [float32] = 4
  DutyWayPoint [vector3] = 12
  FacingAngle [float32] = 4
  FallVel [float32] = 4
  Flags [int32] = 4
  GardensWatered [uint32] = 4
  GrassMown [uint32] = 4
  GridSizeX [uint8] = 1
  GridSizeY [uint8] = 1
  Happiness [float32] = 4
  HeadOptionals [uint32] = 4
  HeadPartGroup [reference] = 8
  IdleAnim [int32] = 4
  LastTaskType [int32] = 4
  Laziness [float32] = 4
  LegsOptionals [uint32] = 4
  LegsPartGroup [reference] = 8
  LevelOfDetail [uint8] = 1
  LookAtDist [float32] = 4
  LookAtExtra [int32] = 4
  LookAtH [float32] = 4
  LookAtTarget [reference] = 8
  LookAtType [int32] = 4
  LookAtV [float32] = 4
  LowerClothingPalette [uint8] = 1
  MoveSpeed [float32] = 4
  MyHolders [managedobjectptr] = 8
  NameS [string] = 0
  NumRidesDone [int32] = 4
  OnRideTime [uint8] = 1
  ParticleSource [managedobjectptr] = 8
  PathOffset [vector3] = 12
  PathsSwept [uint32] = 4
  PatrolZoneEncoded [array] = 1 [0]
    PatrolZoneEncodedElement [int32] = 4
  PerformInterupt [bool] = 1
  PersonType [uint8] = 1
  QueueingTime [float32] = 4
  RecentThoughts [array] = 5 [0]
    About [reference] = 8
    GuestReference [reference] = 8
    Thought [int32] = 4
    Time [float32] = 4
    Variant [int32] = 4
  RideQueueOffset [float32] = 4
  RideSeating [int32] = 4
  RouteController [reference] = 8
  SkinPalette [uint8] = 1
  StaffTypeId [int32] = 4
  StartCol [uint8] = 1
  StartDate [float32] = 4
  StartRow [uint8] = 1
  StartState [bool] = 1
  State [int32] = 4
  StateTarget [reference] = 8
  SubState [int32] = 4
  SubType [uint8] = 1
  SwimStuck [bool] = 1
  SwimWanderDir [struct] = 2 [8]
    X [float32] = 4
    Z [float32] = 4
  SwimWantsDir [struct] = 2 [8]
    X [float32] = 4
    Z [float32] = 4
  TargetOnRideReaction [int32] = 4
  TemporaryAlternateWalkingAnimTimer [float32] = 4
  ThinkTimer [float32] = 4
  ThinksSinceDifferentTask [int32] = 4
  ThinksSinceHappy [int32] = 4
  ThinksSinceLastTask [int32] = 4
  ThinksSinceNoTask [int32] = 4
  ThinksToNextBigThink [float32] = 4
  ThoughtsToConsole [bool] = 1
  TimeToNextThink [int32] = 4
  Training [uint32] = 4
  UpperClothingPalette [uint8] = 1
  VomitStarted [bool] = 1
  WageLevel [uint32] = 4
  Warnings [uint32] = 4
  WaterHeight [float32] = 4
  WayPoints [waypointlist] = 0
  WorldMatrix [matrix44] = 64
Header Structure #75
Litter = 6
  CreateTime [float32] = 4
  LitterState [int32] = 4
  LitterType [int32] = 4
  Orientation [orientation] = 12
  PathTile [managedobjectptr] = 8
  Position [vector3] = 12
Header Structure #76
Mechanic = 85
  AlternateWalkingAnim [int32] = 4
  AnimSpeed [float32] = 4
  AnimTime [float32] = 4
  AnimType [int32] = 4
  AttractionEntryIndex [int32] = 4
  AttractionPersonInfo [managedobjectptr] = 8
  AttractionsVisited [list] = 1 [0]
    Attraction [reference] = 8
  AvgTileCol [float32] = 4
  AvgTileCounter [float32] = 4
  AvgTileRow [float32] = 4
  BodyOptionals [uint32] = 4
  BodyPartGroup [reference] = 8
  CurrentWalkAnim [int32] = 4
  DecideTime [float32] = 4
  FacingAngle [float32] = 4
  FallVel [float32] = 4
  Flags [int32] = 4
  GridSizeX [uint8] = 1
  GridSizeY [uint8] = 1
  Happiness [float32] = 4
  HeadOptionals [uint32] = 4
  HeadPartGroup [reference] = 8
  IdleAnim [int32] = 4
  LastTaskType [int32] = 4
  Laziness [float32] = 4
  LegsOptionals [uint32] = 4
  LegsPartGroup [reference] = 8
  LevelOfDetail [uint8] = 1
  LookAtDist [float32] = 4
  LookAtExtra [int32] = 4
  LookAtH [float32] = 4
  LookAtTarget [reference] = 8
  LookAtType [int32] = 4
  LookAtV [float32] = 4
  LowerClothingPalette [uint8] = 1
  MoveSpeed [float32] = 4
  MyHolders [managedobjectptr] = 8
  NameS [string] = 0
  NumRidesDone [int32] = 4
  ObjectMechanicInfo [reference] = 8
  ObjectsFixed [uint32] = 4
  ObjectsInspected [uint32] = 4
  OnRideTime [uint8] = 1
  ParticleSource [managedobjectptr] = 8
  PathOffset [vector3] = 12
  PatrolZoneEncoded [array] = 1 [0]
    PatrolZoneEncodedElement [int32] = 4
  PerformInterupt [bool] = 1
  PersonType [uint8] = 1
  QueueingTime [float32] = 4
  RecentThoughts [array] = 5 [0]
    About [reference] = 8
    GuestReference [reference] = 8
    Thought [int32] = 4
    Time [float32] = 4
    Variant [int32] = 4
  RideQueueOffset [float32] = 4
  RideSeating [int32] = 4
  RouteController [reference] = 8
  SkinPalette [uint8] = 1
  StaffTypeId [int32] = 4
  StartCol [uint8] = 1
  StartDate [float32] = 4
  StartRow [uint8] = 1
  StartState [bool] = 1
  State [int32] = 4
  StateTarget [reference] = 8
  StateTimer [float32] = 4
  SubState [int32] = 4
  SubType [uint8] = 1
  SwimStuck [bool] = 1
  SwimWanderDir [struct] = 2 [8]
    X [float32] = 4
    Z [float32] = 4
  SwimWantsDir [struct] = 2 [8]
    X [float32] = 4
    Z [float32] = 4
  TargetOnRideReaction [int32] = 4
  TemporaryAlternateWalkingAnimTimer [float32] = 4
  ThinkTimer [float32] = 4
  ThinksSinceDifferentTask [int32] = 4
  ThinksSinceHappy [int32] = 4
  ThinksSinceLastTask [int32] = 4
  ThinksSinceNoTask [int32] = 4
  ThinksToNextBigThink [float32] = 4
  ThoughtsToConsole [bool] = 1
  TimeToNextThink [int32] = 4
  Training [uint32] = 4
  UpperClothingPalette [uint8] = 1
  VomitStarted [bool] = 1
  WageLevel [uint32] = 4
  Warnings [uint32] = 4
  WaterHeight [float32] = 4
  WayPoints [waypointlist] = 0
  WorldMatrix [matrix44] = 64
Header Structure #77
ParkInspectorManager = 1
  ParkInspectorRef [reference] = 8
Header Structure #78
ParkInspector = 90
  AlternateWalkingAnim [int32] = 4
  AnimSequence [int32] = 4
  AnimSequenceIndex [int32] = 4
  AnimSpeed [float32] = 4
  AnimTime [float32] = 4
  AnimType [int32] = 4
  AttractionEntryIndex [int32] = 4
  AttractionPersonInfo [managedobjectptr] = 8
  AttractionsVisited [list] = 1 [0]
    Attraction [reference] = 8
  AvgTileCol [float32] = 4
  AvgTileCounter [float32] = 4
  AvgTileRow [float32] = 4
  BodyOptionals [uint32] = 4
  BodyPartGroup [reference] = 8
  Contemplate [bool] = 1
  CurrentTask [int32] = 4
  CurrentWalkAnim [int32] = 4
  DecideTime [float32] = 4
  EvaluationHandler [list] = 22 [0]
    Attraction [reference] = 8
    EvaluatedRecentlyFlags [int32] = 4
    RTIT_Attraction_Evaluated [int32] = 4
    RTIT_NoMaintenanceManNear [int32] = 4
    RTIT_Ride_InappropriateMusic [int32] = 4
    RTIT_Ride_LongQueueTime [int32] = 4
    RTIT_Ride_LongRideTime [int32] = 4
    RTIT_Ride_NoEntrance [int32] = 4
    RTIT_Ride_NoExit [int32] = 4
    RTIT_Ride_NoPathToEntrance [int32] = 4
    RTIT_Ride_NoPathToExit [int32] = 4
    RTIT_Ride_NoRideAssessment [int32] = 4
    RTIT_Staff_Lazy [int32] = 4
    RTIT_Staff_NoPathToGetTo [int32] = 4
    RTIT_Staff_Unhappy [int32] = 4
    RTIT_Stall_NoPathToGetTo [int32] = 4
    RTIT_Stall_NotEnoughForDemand [int32] = 4
    RTIT_Stall_TooCheap [int32] = 4
    RTIT_Stall_TooExpensive [int32] = 4
    RTIT_Stall_TooManyForDemand [int32] = 4
    RTIT_TrackedRide_Boring [int32] = 4
    RTIT_Vista_InappropriateStyle [int32] = 4
  FacingAngle [float32] = 4
  FallVel [float32] = 4
  Flags [int32] = 4
  GridSizeX [uint8] = 1
  GridSizeY [uint8] = 1
  Happiness [float32] = 4
  HeadOptionals [uint32] = 4
  HeadPartGroup [reference] = 8
  IdleAnim [int32] = 4
  IncState [bool] = 1
  LastTaskType [int32] = 4
  Laziness [float32] = 4
  LegsOptionals [uint32] = 4
  LegsPartGroup [reference] = 8
  LevelOfDetail [uint8] = 1
  LookAtDist [float32] = 4
  LookAtExtra [int32] = 4
  LookAtH [float32] = 4
  LookAtTarget [reference] = 8
  LookAtType [int32] = 4
  LookAtV [float32] = 4
  LowerClothingPalette [uint8] = 1
  MoveSpeed [float32] = 4
  MyHolders [managedobjectptr] = 8
  NameS [string] = 0
  NumRidesDone [int32] = 4
  OnRideTime [uint8] = 1
  ParticleSource [managedobjectptr] = 8
  PathOffset [vector3] = 12
  PatrolZoneEncoded [array] = 1 [0]
    PatrolZoneEncodedElement [int32] = 4
  PerformInterupt [bool] = 1
  PersonType [uint8] = 1
  QueueingTime [float32] = 4
  RecentThoughts [array] = 5 [0]
    About [reference] = 8
    GuestReference [reference] = 8
    Thought [int32] = 4
    Time [float32] = 4
    Variant [int32] = 4
  RideQueueOffset [float32] = 4
  RideSeating [int32] = 4
  RouteController [reference] = 8
  SkinPalette [uint8] = 1
  StaffTypeId [int32] = 4
  StartCol [uint8] = 1
  StartDate [float32] = 4
  StartRow [uint8] = 1
  StartState [bool] = 1
  State [int32] = 4
  StateTarget [reference] = 8
  SubState [int32] = 4
  SubStateTimer [float32] = 4
  SubType [uint8] = 1
  SwimStuck [bool] = 1
  SwimWanderDir [struct] = 2 [8]
    X [float32] = 4
    Z [float32] = 4
  SwimWantsDir [struct] = 2 [8]
    X [float32] = 4
    Z [float32] = 4
  TargetOnRideReaction [int32] = 4
  TaskGapTime [float32] = 4
  TemporaryAlternateWalkingAnimTimer [float32] = 4
  ThinkTimer [float32] = 4
  ThinksSinceDifferentTask [int32] = 4
  ThinksSinceHappy [int32] = 4
  ThinksSinceLastTask [int32] = 4
  ThinksSinceNoTask [int32] = 4
  ThinksToNextBigThink [float32] = 4
  ThoughtsToConsole [bool] = 1
  TimeToNextThink [int32] = 4
  Training [uint32] = 4
  UpperClothingPalette [uint8] = 1
  VomitStarted [bool] = 1
  WageLevel [uint32] = 4
  Warnings [uint32] = 4
  WatchTime [float32] = 4
  WaterHeight [float32] = 4
  WayPoints [waypointlist] = 0
  WorldMatrix [matrix44] = 64
Header Structure #79
ParkInspectorMessage = 4
  Object [reference] = 8
  Panel [int32] = 4
  Text [resourcesymbol] = 0
  Time [float32] = 4
Header Structure #80
PPGStringTable = 1
  SymbolNames [stringTable] = 0
Header Structure #81
PPGDatabaseEntry = 5
  PartGroup [uint8] = 1
  PeopleSex [uint8] = 1
  PeopleType [uint8] = 1
  SymbolName [string] = 0
  SymbolNameIndex [uint32] = 4
Header Structure #82
Person = 63
  AlternateWalkingAnim [int32] = 4
  AnimSpeed [float32] = 4
  AnimTime [float32] = 4
  AnimType [int32] = 4
  AttractionEntryIndex [int32] = 4
  AttractionPersonInfo [managedobjectptr] = 8
  AttractionsVisited [list] = 1 [0]
    Attraction [reference] = 8
  AvgTileCol [float32] = 4
  AvgTileCounter [float32] = 4
  AvgTileRow [float32] = 4
  BodyOptionals [uint32] = 4
  BodyPartGroup [reference] = 8
  CurrentWalkAnim [int32] = 4
  DecideTime [float32] = 4
  FacingAngle [float32] = 4
  FallVel [float32] = 4
  Flags [int32] = 4
  HeadOptionals [uint32] = 4
  HeadPartGroup [reference] = 8
  IdleAnim [int32] = 4
  LegsOptionals [uint32] = 4
  LegsPartGroup [reference] = 8
  LevelOfDetail [uint8] = 1
  LookAtDist [float32] = 4
  LookAtExtra [int32] = 4
  LookAtH [float32] = 4
  LookAtTarget [reference] = 8
  LookAtType [int32] = 4
  LookAtV [float32] = 4
  LowerClothingPalette [uint8] = 1
  MoveSpeed [float32] = 4
  MyHolders [managedobjectptr] = 8
  NameS [string] = 0
  NumRidesDone [int32] = 4
  OnRideTime [uint8] = 1
  ParticleSource [managedobjectptr] = 8
  PathOffset [vector3] = 12
  PerformInterupt [bool] = 1
  PersonType [uint8] = 1
  QueueingTime [float32] = 4
  RecentThoughts [array] = 5 [0]
    About [reference] = 8
    GuestReference [reference] = 8
    Thought [int32] = 4
    Time [float32] = 4
    Variant [int32] = 4
  RideQueueOffset [float32] = 4
  RideSeating [int32] = 4
  RouteController [reference] = 8
  SkinPalette [uint8] = 1
  StartDate [float32] = 4
  State [int32] = 4
  StateTarget [reference] = 8
  SubState [int32] = 4
  SubType [uint8] = 1
  SwimStuck [bool] = 1
  SwimWanderDir [struct] = 2 [8]
    X [float32] = 4
    Z [float32] = 4
  SwimWantsDir [struct] = 2 [8]
    X [float32] = 4
    Z [float32] = 4
  TargetOnRideReaction [int32] = 4
  TemporaryAlternateWalkingAnimTimer [float32] = 4
  ThinksToNextBigThink [float32] = 4
  ThoughtsToConsole [bool] = 1
  TimeToNextThink [int32] = 4
  UpperClothingPalette [uint8] = 1
  VomitStarted [bool] = 1
  WaterHeight [float32] = 4
  WayPoints [waypointlist] = 0
  WorldMatrix [matrix44] = 64
Header Structure #83
PersonMessage = 7
  Object [reference] = 8
  Panel [int32] = 4
  Person [reference] = 8
  Text [resourcesymbol] = 0
  Thought [int32] = 4
  Time [float32] = 4
  Variant [int32] = 4
Header Structure #84
RouteController = 0
Header Structure #85
SecurityGuard = 81
  AlternateWalkingAnim [int32] = 4
  AnimSpeed [float32] = 4
  AnimTime [float32] = 4
  AnimType [int32] = 4
  AttractionEntryIndex [int32] = 4
  AttractionPersonInfo [managedobjectptr] = 8
  AttractionsVisited [list] = 1 [0]
    Attraction [reference] = 8
  AvgTileCol [float32] = 4
  AvgTileCounter [float32] = 4
  AvgTileRow [float32] = 4
  BodyOptionals [uint32] = 4
  BodyPartGroup [reference] = 8
  CurrentWalkAnim [int32] = 4
  DecideTime [float32] = 4
  FacingAngle [float32] = 4
  FallVel [float32] = 4
  Flags [int32] = 4
  GridSizeX [uint8] = 1
  GridSizeY [uint8] = 1
  Happiness [float32] = 4
  HeadOptionals [uint32] = 4
  HeadPartGroup [reference] = 8
  IdleAnim [int32] = 4
  LastTaskType [int32] = 4
  Laziness [float32] = 4
  LegsOptionals [uint32] = 4
  LegsPartGroup [reference] = 8
  LevelOfDetail [uint8] = 1
  LookAtDist [float32] = 4
  LookAtExtra [int32] = 4
  LookAtH [float32] = 4
  LookAtTarget [reference] = 8
  LookAtType [int32] = 4
  LookAtV [float32] = 4
  LowerClothingPalette [uint8] = 1
  MoveSpeed [float32] = 4
  MyHolders [managedobjectptr] = 8
  NameS [string] = 0
  NumRidesDone [int32] = 4
  OnRideTime [uint8] = 1
  ParticleSource [managedobjectptr] = 8
  PathOffset [vector3] = 12
  PatrolZoneEncoded [array] = 1 [0]
    PatrolZoneEncodedElement [int32] = 4
  PerformInterupt [bool] = 1
  PersonType [uint8] = 1
  QueueingTime [float32] = 4
  RecentThoughts [array] = 5 [0]
    About [reference] = 8
    GuestReference [reference] = 8
    Thought [int32] = 4
    Time [float32] = 4
    Variant [int32] = 4
  RideQueueOffset [float32] = 4
  RideSeating [int32] = 4
  RouteController [reference] = 8
  SkinPalette [uint8] = 1
  StaffTypeId [int32] = 4
  StartCol [uint8] = 1
  StartDate [float32] = 4
  StartRow [uint8] = 1
  StartState [bool] = 1
  State [int32] = 4
  StateTarget [reference] = 8
  SubState [int32] = 4
  SubType [uint8] = 1
  SwimStuck [bool] = 1
  SwimWanderDir [struct] = 2 [8]
    X [float32] = 4
    Z [float32] = 4
  SwimWantsDir [struct] = 2 [8]
    X [float32] = 4
    Z [float32] = 4
  TargetOnRideReaction [int32] = 4
  TemporaryAlternateWalkingAnimTimer [float32] = 4
  ThinkTimer [float32] = 4
  ThinksSinceDifferentTask [int32] = 4
  ThinksSinceHappy [int32] = 4
  ThinksSinceLastTask [int32] = 4
  ThinksSinceNoTask [int32] = 4
  ThinksToNextBigThink [float32] = 4
  ThoughtsToConsole [bool] = 1
  TimeToNextThink [int32] = 4
  Training [uint32] = 4
  UpperClothingPalette [uint8] = 1
  VomitStarted [bool] = 1
  WageLevel [uint32] = 4
  Warnings [uint32] = 4
  WaterHeight [float32] = 4
  WayPoints [waypointlist] = 0
  WorldMatrix [matrix44] = 64
Header Structure #86
Staff = 81
  AlternateWalkingAnim [int32] = 4
  AnimSpeed [float32] = 4
  AnimTime [float32] = 4
  AnimType [int32] = 4
  AttractionEntryIndex [int32] = 4
  AttractionPersonInfo [managedobjectptr] = 8
  AttractionsVisited [list] = 1 [0]
    Attraction [reference] = 8
  AvgTileCol [float32] = 4
  AvgTileCounter [float32] = 4
  AvgTileRow [float32] = 4
  BodyOptionals [uint32] = 4
  BodyPartGroup [reference] = 8
  CurrentWalkAnim [int32] = 4
  DecideTime [float32] = 4
  FacingAngle [float32] = 4
  FallVel [float32] = 4
  Flags [int32] = 4
  GridSizeX [uint8] = 1
  GridSizeY [uint8] = 1
  Happiness [float32] = 4
  HeadOptionals [uint32] = 4
  HeadPartGroup [reference] = 8
  IdleAnim [int32] = 4
  LastTaskType [int32] = 4
  Laziness [float32] = 4
  LegsOptionals [uint32] = 4
  LegsPartGroup [reference] = 8
  LevelOfDetail [uint8] = 1
  LookAtDist [float32] = 4
  LookAtExtra [int32] = 4
  LookAtH [float32] = 4
  LookAtTarget [reference] = 8
  LookAtType [int32] = 4
  LookAtV [float32] = 4
  LowerClothingPalette [uint8] = 1
  MoveSpeed [float32] = 4
  MyHolders [managedobjectptr] = 8
  NameS [string] = 0
  NumRidesDone [int32] = 4
  OnRideTime [uint8] = 1
  ParticleSource [managedobjectptr] = 8
  PathOffset [vector3] = 12
  PatrolZoneEncoded [array] = 1 [0]
    PatrolZoneEncodedElement [int32] = 4
  PerformInterupt [bool] = 1
  PersonType [uint8] = 1
  QueueingTime [float32] = 4
  RecentThoughts [array] = 5 [0]
    About [reference] = 8
    GuestReference [reference] = 8
    Thought [int32] = 4
    Time [float32] = 4
    Variant [int32] = 4
  RideQueueOffset [float32] = 4
  RideSeating [int32] = 4
  RouteController [reference] = 8
  SkinPalette [uint8] = 1
  StaffTypeId [int32] = 4
  StartCol [uint8] = 1
  StartDate [float32] = 4
  StartRow [uint8] = 1
  StartState [bool] = 1
  State [int32] = 4
  StateTarget [reference] = 8
  SubState [int32] = 4
  SubType [uint8] = 1
  SwimStuck [bool] = 1
  SwimWanderDir [struct] = 2 [8]
    X [float32] = 4
    Z [float32] = 4
  SwimWantsDir [struct] = 2 [8]
    X [float32] = 4
    Z [float32] = 4
  TargetOnRideReaction [int32] = 4
  TemporaryAlternateWalkingAnimTimer [float32] = 4
  ThinkTimer [float32] = 4
  ThinksSinceDifferentTask [int32] = 4
  ThinksSinceHappy [int32] = 4
  ThinksSinceLastTask [int32] = 4
  ThinksSinceNoTask [int32] = 4
  ThinksToNextBigThink [float32] = 4
  ThoughtsToConsole [bool] = 1
  TimeToNextThink [int32] = 4
  Training [uint32] = 4
  UpperClothingPalette [uint8] = 1
  VomitStarted [bool] = 1
  WageLevel [uint32] = 4
  Warnings [uint32] = 4
  WaterHeight [float32] = 4
  WayPoints [waypointlist] = 0
  WorldMatrix [matrix44] = 64
Header Structure #87
StaffSettings = 1
  costumeOverlayName [string] = 0
Header Structure #88
Vendor = 85
  AlternateWalkingAnim [int32] = 4
  AnimSpeed [float32] = 4
  AnimTime [float32] = 4
  AnimType [int32] = 4
  AttractionEntryIndex [int32] = 4
  AttractionInstance [reference] = 8
  AttractionPersonInfo [managedobjectptr] = 8
  AttractionsVisited [list] = 1 [0]
    Attraction [reference] = 8
  AvgTileCol [float32] = 4
  AvgTileCounter [float32] = 4
  AvgTileRow [float32] = 4
  BodyOptionals [uint32] = 4
  BodyPartGroup [reference] = 8
  CurrentWalkAnim [int32] = 4
  Customer [reference] = 8
  DecideTime [float32] = 4
  FacingAngle [float32] = 4
  FallVel [float32] = 4
  Flags [int32] = 4
  GridSizeX [uint8] = 1
  GridSizeY [uint8] = 1
  Happiness [float32] = 4
  HeadOptionals [uint32] = 4
  HeadPartGroup [reference] = 8
  IdleAnim [int32] = 4
  LastTaskType [int32] = 4
  Laziness [float32] = 4
  LegsOptionals [uint32] = 4
  LegsPartGroup [reference] = 8
  LevelOfDetail [uint8] = 1
  LookAtDist [float32] = 4
  LookAtExtra [int32] = 4
  LookAtH [float32] = 4
  LookAtTarget [reference] = 8
  LookAtType [int32] = 4
  LookAtV [float32] = 4
  LowerClothingPalette [uint8] = 1
  MoveSpeed [float32] = 4
  MyHolders [managedobjectptr] = 8
  NameS [string] = 0
  NumRidesDone [int32] = 4
  OnRideTime [uint8] = 1
  ParticleSource [managedobjectptr] = 8
  PathOffset [vector3] = 12
  PatrolZoneEncoded [array] = 1 [0]
    PatrolZoneEncodedElement [int32] = 4
  PerformInterupt [bool] = 1
  PersonType [uint8] = 1
  QueueingTime [float32] = 4
  RecentThoughts [array] = 5 [0]
    About [reference] = 8
    GuestReference [reference] = 8
    Thought [int32] = 4
    Time [float32] = 4
    Variant [int32] = 4
  RideQueueOffset [float32] = 4
  RideSeating [int32] = 4
  RouteController [reference] = 8
  SceneryItem [reference] = 8
  ShopItemInstance [reference] = 8
  SkinPalette [uint8] = 1
  StaffTypeId [int32] = 4
  StartCol [uint8] = 1
  StartDate [float32] = 4
  StartRow [uint8] = 1
  StartState [bool] = 1
  State [int32] = 4
  StateTarget [reference] = 8
  SubState [int32] = 4
  SubType [uint8] = 1
  SwimStuck [bool] = 1
  SwimWanderDir [struct] = 2 [8]
    X [float32] = 4
    Z [float32] = 4
  SwimWantsDir [struct] = 2 [8]
    X [float32] = 4
    Z [float32] = 4
  TargetOnRideReaction [int32] = 4
  TemporaryAlternateWalkingAnimTimer [float32] = 4
  ThinkTimer [float32] = 4
  ThinksSinceDifferentTask [int32] = 4
  ThinksSinceHappy [int32] = 4
  ThinksSinceLastTask [int32] = 4
  ThinksSinceNoTask [int32] = 4
  ThinksToNextBigThink [float32] = 4
  ThoughtsToConsole [bool] = 1
  TimeToNextThink [int32] = 4
  Training [uint32] = 4
  UpperClothingPalette [uint8] = 1
  VomitStarted [bool] = 1
  WageLevel [uint32] = 4
  Warnings [uint32] = 4
  WaterHeight [float32] = 4
  WayPoints [waypointlist] = 0
  WorldMatrix [matrix44] = 64
Header Structure #89
VIP = 94
  AlternateWalkingAnim [int32] = 4
  AngryFace [uint8] = 1
  AnimSpeed [float32] = 4
  AnimTime [float32] = 4
  AnimType [int32] = 4
  AssessSceneryTimer [uint8] = 1
  AttractionEntryIndex [int32] = 4
  AttractionPersonInfo [managedobjectptr] = 8
  AttractionsVisited [list] = 1 [0]
    Attraction [reference] = 8
  Autograph [reference] = 8
  AutographsGiven [int32] = 4
  AvgTileCol [float32] = 4
  AvgTileCounter [float32] = 4
  AvgTileRow [float32] = 4
  BadEntertainer [bool] = 1
  BadFoodTime [float32] = 4
  BodyOptionals [uint32] = 4
  BodyPartGroup [reference] = 8
  CashInfo [struct] = 9 [36]
    ATMCash [int32] = 4
    CurrentCash [int32] = 4
    SpentOnDrink [int32] = 4
    SpentOnFood [int32] = 4
    SpentOnParkEntry [int32] = 4
    SpentOnRides [int32] = 4
    SpentOnSouvenirs [int32] = 4
    TotalSpent [int32] = 4
    WithdrawnCash [int32] = 4
  ConsumingAmount [float32] = 4
  Consumption [struct] = 3 [12]
    DrinkF [float32] = 4
    FoodF [float32] = 4
    ToiletF [float32] = 4
  CurrentHealth [struct] = 3 [12]
    EnergyF [float32] = 4
    HappinessF [float32] = 4
    NauseaF [float32] = 4
  CurrentWalkAnim [int32] = 4
  DecideTime [float32] = 4
  FacingAngle [float32] = 4
  FallVel [float32] = 4
  FavouriteRide [reference] = 8
  FavouriteRideRating [float32] = 4
  Flags [int32] = 4
  FlockSpeedFactorSmoother [float32] = 4
  GuestGroup [reference] = 8
  HeadOptionals [uint32] = 4
  HeadPartGroup [reference] = 8
  IdleAnim [int32] = 4
  IsAvatar [bool] = 1
  IsFacingPhoto [bool] = 1
  IsInPark [uint8] = 1
  LegsOptionals [uint32] = 4
  LegsPartGroup [reference] = 8
  LevelOfDetail [uint8] = 1
  LookAtDist [float32] = 4
  LookAtExtra [int32] = 4
  LookAtH [float32] = 4
  LookAtTarget [reference] = 8
  LookAtType [int32] = 4
  LookAtV [float32] = 4
  LowerClothingPalette [uint8] = 1
  ManLost [int32] = 4
  MoveSpeed [float32] = 4
  MyHolders [managedobjectptr] = 8
  NameS [string] = 0
  NauseaTolerance [int32] = 4
  NumDrinksBought [int32] = 4
  NumFoodItemsBought [int32] = 4
  NumRidesDone [int32] = 4
  NumSouvenirsBought [int32] = 4
  OnRideTime [uint8] = 1
  ParticleSource [managedobjectptr] = 8
  PathOffset [vector3] = 12
  PerformInterupt [bool] = 1
  PersonType [uint8] = 1
  PhotosTaken [int32] = 4
  PreferedIntensityMax [float32] = 4
  PreferedIntensityMin [float32] = 4
  PreferedRideIntensity [int32] = 4
  QueueingTime [float32] = 4
  RecentThoughts [array] = 5 [0]
    About [reference] = 8
    GuestReference [reference] = 8
    Thought [int32] = 4
    Time [float32] = 4
    Variant [int32] = 4
  RideQueueOffset [float32] = 4
  RideSeating [int32] = 4
  RouteController [reference] = 8
  SkinPalette [uint8] = 1
  StartDate [float32] = 4
  State [int32] = 4
  StateTarget [reference] = 8
  StatsTimer [float32] = 4
  SubState [int32] = 4
  SubType [uint8] = 1
  SwimStuck [bool] = 1
  SwimWanderDir [struct] = 2 [8]
    X [float32] = 4
    Z [float32] = 4
  SwimWantsDir [struct] = 2 [8]
    X [float32] = 4
    Z [float32] = 4
  TargetHealth [struct] = 3 [12]
    EnergyF [float32] = 4
    HappinessF [float32] = 4
    NauseaF [float32] = 4
  TargetOnRideReaction [int32] = 4
  TemporaryAlternateWalkingAnimTimer [float32] = 4
  Temprement [float32] = 4
  ThinksToNextBigThink [float32] = 4
  ThoughtsToConsole [bool] = 1
  TimeInPark [int32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastAutographPoll [float32] = 4
  TimeToNextThink [int32] = 4
  UpperClothingPalette [uint8] = 1
  VomitStarted [bool] = 1
  WaterHeight [float32] = 4
  WayPoints [waypointlist] = 0
  WorldMatrix [matrix44] = 64
Header Structure #90
ManagedObject = 0
Header Structure #91
FlexiColourGroupCache = 1
  FlexiCache [flexicachelist] = 0
Header Structure #92
LitterBinBehaviour = 5
  "SceneryItem" [reference] = 8
  Capacity [float32] = 4
  Contents [float32] = 4
  LastEmptied [float32] = 4
  State [int32] = 4
Header Structure #93
ParkBenchBehaviour = 2
  "SceneryItem" [reference] = 8
  SeatInfo [array] = 1 [0]
    Person [reference] = 8
Header Structure #94
QueueLineEntertainerBehaviour = 2
  "SceneryItem" [reference] = 8
  TimeToNextBurst [float32] = 4
Header Structure #95
RideEventBehaviour = 4
  "SceneryItem" [reference] = 8
  EventType [int32] = 4
  State [int32] = 4
  Triggerer [reference] = 8
Header Structure #96
SceneryItem = 15
  AnimInfoList [list] = 4 [0]
    AutoLoop [bool] = 1
    CurrentAnimation [int32] = 4
    CurrentAnimationTime [float32] = 4
    MarkedForDeletion [bool] = 1
  BREAKFLAGS [int32] = 4
  BREAKTIME [float32] = 4
  BehaviourArray [array] = 1 [0]
    BehaviourReference [reference] = 8
  CustomUVProvider [reference] = 8
  DATABASEENTRY [reference] = 8
  FRAMEOFFSET [int32] = 4
  FlexiColourField [struct] = 3 [12]
    COL0 [int32] = 4
    COL1 [int32] = 4
    COL2 [int32] = 4
  HEIGHTOFFSET [int32] = 4
  IsHidden [bool] = 1
  Owner [reference] = 8
  ParticleSourceEntries [array] = 1 [0]
    SourceRef [reference] = 8
  SceneryItemDataField [struct] = 5 [20]
    CORNER [int32] = 4
    DIRECTION [int32] = 4
    HEIGHT [int32] = 4
    POSX [int32] = 4
    POSZ [int32] = 4
  Vendor [managedobjectptr] = 8
Header Structure #97
SceneryItemBehaviour = 1
  "SceneryItem" [reference] = 8
Header Structure #98
SceneryItemBehaviourFI = 8
  FixableFlags [bool] = 1
  FixableStatus [int32] = 4
  MechanicInfo [reference] = 8
  TimeSinceCycle [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastBreakdown [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastBreakdownHandle [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastBreakdownRemind [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastInspection [float32] = 4
Header Structure #99
SceneryMechanicInfo = 7
  EntryIndex [int32] = 4
  Matrix [matrix44] = 64
  Mechanic [reference] = 8
  SceneryItem [reference] = 8
  SeatIndex [int32] = 4
  State [int32] = 4
  Target [int32] = 4
Header Structure #100
SceneryItemPlacementCollection = 2
  Direction [int32] = 4
  Prototype [bool] = 1
Header Structure #101
SceneryItemPlacementSingle = 5
  FlexiColourField [struct] = 3 [12]
    COL0 [int32] = 4
    COL1 [int32] = 4
    COL2 [int32] = 4
  Owner [managedobjectptr] = 8
  SIDDatabaseEntry [managedobjectptr] = 8
  SceneryItem [managedobjectptr] = 8
  SceneryItemDataField [struct] = 5 [20]
    CORNER [int32] = 4
    DIRECTION [int32] = 4
    HEIGHT [int32] = 4
    POSX [int32] = 4
    POSZ [int32] = 4
Header Structure #102
SIDDatabaseEntry = 5
  IsAvailable [bool] = 1
  IsHidden [bool] = 1
  IsInvented [bool] = 1
  OVERLAYFILENAME [string] = 0
  SYMBOLNAME [string] = 0
Header Structure #103
SignBehaviour = 3
  "SceneryItem" [reference] = 8
  SignType [int32] = 4
  UserText [string] = 0
Header Structure #104
VistaPointBehaviour = 11
  "SceneryItem" [reference] = 8
  FoV [float32] = 4
  HasCurrentSetPiece [bool] = 1
  OffsetX [float32] = 4
  OffsetY [float32] = 4
  Orient [orientation] = 12
  Placed [bool] = 1
  Pos [vector3] = 12
  PosFilledData [array] = 1 [0]
    ViewSpotGuest [managedobjectptr] = 8
  TileCent [vector3] = 12
  VistaPointViewings [list] = 2 [0]
    TimeViewed [float32] = 4
    VistitedAvatarLeader [managedobjectptr] = 8
Header Structure #105
WaterableBehaviour = 5
  "SceneryItem" [reference] = 8
  ActionPos [vector3] = 12
  Capacity [float32] = 4
  CurrentWater [float32] = 4
  WaterableState [int32] = 4
Header Structure #106
MowableGrass = 2
  TerrainCol [uint8] = 1
  TerrainRow [uint8] = 1
Header Structure #107
RCT3Terrain = 3
  BlockingScenery [BlockingScenery] = 0
  EngineTerrain [GE_Terrain] = 0
  SkirtTrees [SkirtTrees] = 0
Header Structure #108
TerrainFlattener = 0
Header Structure #109
WaterManager = 1
  WaterManager [WaterManager] = 0
Header Structure #110
InventionGroup = 4
  GroupName [string] = 0
  IsAvailable [bool] = 1
  IsHidden [bool] = 1
  IsInvented [bool] = 1
Header Structure #111
ResearchCategoryInstance = 7
  Budget [float32] = 4
  CategoryName [string] = 0
  CurrentLevel [float32] = 4
  DevelopCost [float32] = 4
  IsAvailable [bool] = 1
  IsHidden [bool] = 1
  IsInvented [bool] = 1
Header Structure #112
SimpleResearch = 6
  CurrentResearchItem [reference] = 8
  MoneySpentOnCurrent [int32] = 4
  MonthlyBudget [int32] = 4
  PreviousResearchItem [reference] = 8
  ResearchPriorities [array] = 1 [0]
    Priority [float32] = 4
  TimeSinceLastSpend [float32] = 4
Header Structure #113
FireworkDisplayMessageEntry = 3
  FireworkDisplay [managedobjectptr] = 8
  Text [resourcesymbol] = 0
  Time [float32] = 4
Header Structure #114
FireworkDisplay = 10
  DisplayTime [float32] = 4
  Entries [array] = 8 [0]
    Height [float32] = 4
    Name [string] = 0
    ParticleSourceRef [reference] = 8
    SceneryItemRef [reference] = 8
    SlotIndex [int32] = 4
    Started [bool] = 1
    Time [float32] = 4
    Track [float32] = 4
  LoopMusic [int32] = 4
  MonthMask [int32] = 4
  MusicSelection [string] = 0
  Name [string] = 0
  PlayedToday [bool] = 1
  PostedMessage [bool] = 1
  StartTimeMinutes [int32] = 4
  Started [bool] = 1
Header Structure #115
ParticleBaseDesc = 29
  ColourModifierA [float32] = 4
  ColourModifierB [float32] = 4
  ColourModifierDefaultA [float32] = 4
  ColourModifierDefaultB [float32] = 4
  ColourModifierDefaultG [float32] = 4
  ColourModifierDefaultR [float32] = 4
  ColourModifierG [float32] = 4
  ColourModifierR [float32] = 4
  Cost [int32] = 4
  IdentifyingColourB [float32] = 4
  IdentifyingColourDarkB [float32] = 4
  IdentifyingColourDarkG [float32] = 4
  IdentifyingColourDarkR [float32] = 4
  IdentifyingColourG [float32] = 4
  IdentifyingColourR [float32] = 4
  IdentifyingIcon [int32] = 4
  Lifetime [float32] = 4
  LifetimeRandom [float32] = 4
  Name [string] = 0
  NumParticles [int32] = 4
  ParticleEmitterDescs [array] = 1 [0]
    ParticleEmitterDescsElement [reference] = 8
  Particles [array] = 7 [0]
    Lifetime [float32] = 4
    Orientation [orientation] = 12
    PlayedSound [bool] = 1
    Position [vector3] = 12
    SizeScale [float32] = 4
    Time [float32] = 4
    Velocity [vector3] = 12
  RefCount [int32] = 4
  SoundMaxDist [float32] = 4
  SoundMinDist [float32] = 4
  SoundName [string] = 0
  SoundPlayTime [float32] = 4
  StrengthModifier [float32] = 4
  StrengthModifierDefault [float32] = 4
Header Structure #116
ParticleDesc = 49
  AnimTimeScale [float32] = 4
  BurnLength [int32] = 4
  BurnSize [float32] = 4
  CameraSpinRate [float32] = 4
  ColourA [struct] = 3 [0]
    ColourATimes [array] = 1 [0]
      ColourATimesElement [float32] = 4
    ColourAValues [array] = 1 [0]
      ColourAValuesElement [float32] = 4
    wrap [bool] = 1
  ColourB [struct] = 3 [0]
    ColourBTimes [array] = 1 [0]
      ColourBTimesElement [float32] = 4
    ColourBValues [array] = 1 [0]
      ColourBValuesElement [float32] = 4
    wrap [bool] = 1
  ColourG [struct] = 3 [0]
    ColourGTimes [array] = 1 [0]
      ColourGTimesElement [float32] = 4
    ColourGValues [array] = 1 [0]
      ColourGValuesElement [float32] = 4
    wrap [bool] = 1
  ColourModifierA [float32] = 4
  ColourModifierB [float32] = 4
  ColourModifierDefaultA [float32] = 4
  ColourModifierDefaultB [float32] = 4
  ColourModifierDefaultG [float32] = 4
  ColourModifierDefaultR [float32] = 4
  ColourModifierEnable [int32] = 4
  ColourModifierG [float32] = 4
  ColourModifierR [float32] = 4
  ColourR [struct] = 3 [0]
    ColourRTimes [array] = 1 [0]
      ColourRTimesElement [float32] = 4
    ColourRValues [array] = 1 [0]
      ColourRValuesElement [float32] = 4
    wrap [bool] = 1
  Cost [int32] = 4
  Drag [float32] = 4
  EndSize [float32] = 4
  GravityScale [float32] = 4
  IdentifyingColourB [float32] = 4
  IdentifyingColourDarkB [float32] = 4
  IdentifyingColourDarkG [float32] = 4
  IdentifyingColourDarkR [float32] = 4
  IdentifyingColourG [float32] = 4
  IdentifyingColourR [float32] = 4
  IdentifyingIcon [int32] = 4
  Lifetime [float32] = 4
  LifetimeRandom [float32] = 4
  Name [string] = 0
  NumParticles [int32] = 4
  ParticleEmitterDescs [array] = 1 [0]
    ParticleEmitterDescsElement [reference] = 8
  Particles [array] = 7 [0]
    Lifetime [float32] = 4
    Orientation [orientation] = 12
    PlayedSound [bool] = 1
    Position [vector3] = 12
    SizeScale [float32] = 4
    Time [float32] = 4
    Velocity [vector3] = 12
  RefCount [int32] = 4
  SizeRandom [float32] = 4
  SoundMaxDist [float32] = 4
  SoundMinDist [float32] = 4
  SoundName [string] = 0
  SoundPlayTime [float32] = 4
  SpinRateX [float32] = 4
  SpinRateY [float32] = 4
  StartSize [float32] = 4
  StrengthModifier [float32] = 4
  StrengthModifierDefault [float32] = 4
  TextureNameReduced [string] = 0
  TextureTileIndex [int32] = 4
  UpScale [float32] = 4
  VelStretch [float32] = 4
Header Structure #117
ParticleEmitterDesc = 20
  EndTime [float32] = 4
  NumParticles [int32] = 4
  NumParticlesModifierEnable [int32] = 4
  ParentSpeedFactor [float32] = 4
  ParticleDesc [reference] = 8
  ParticleRelative [int32] = 4
  ParticleSpeed [float32] = 4
  PositionRandom [float32] = 4
  PositionRandomCircle [float32] = 4
  RefCount [int32] = 4
  SpeedRandom [float32] = 4
  SpeedRandomCircle [float32] = 4
  SpinOffsetX [float32] = 4
  SpinOffsetY [float32] = 4
  SpinOffsetZ [float32] = 4
  SpinRateX [float32] = 4
  SpinRateY [float32] = 4
  SpinRateZ [float32] = 4
  StartTime [float32] = 4
  TimeRandom [float32] = 4
Header Structure #118
ParticleSource = 7
  Loop [bool] = 1
  LoopCountdown [float32] = 4
  LoopStarted [bool] = 1
  Orientation [orientation] = 12
  ParticleBaseDesc [reference] = 8
  Position [vector3] = 12
  Velocity [vector3] = 12
Header Structure #119
SavedFireworkDisplay = 6
  Entries [array] = 5 [0]
    Name [string] = 0
    SceneryEntry [int32] = 4
    SlotIndex [int32] = 4
    Time [float32] = 4
    Track [float32] = 4
  MonthMask [int32] = 4
  MusicSelection [string] = 0
  Name [string] = 0
  SceneryEntries [array] = 8 [0]
    Col [int32] = 4
    Corner [int32] = 4
    Dir [int32] = 4
    FlexiPick0 [int32] = 4
    FlexiPick1 [int32] = 4
    FlexiPick2 [int32] = 4
    Row [int32] = 4
    SID [reference] = 8
  StartTimeMinutes [int32] = 4
Header Structure #120
Campaign = 5
  CampType [int32] = 4
  CarriedItem [reference] = 8
  EndDate [float32] = 4
  PubType [int32] = 4
  StartDate [float32] = 4
Header Structure #121
CampaignMessageEntry = 3
  Text [resourcesymbol] = 0
  Time [float32] = 4
  Type [int32] = 4
Header Structure #122
Sky = 1
  BackgroundSave [int32] = 4
Header Structure #123
Weather = 19
  Climate [int32] = 4
  CloudSetting [struct] = 2 [24]
    ColourValue1 [struct] = 3 [12]
      Blue [float32] = 4
      Green [float32] = 4
      Red [float32] = 4
    ColourValue2 [struct] = 3 [12]
      Blue [float32] = 4
      Green [float32] = 4
      Red [float32] = 4
  Colour [int32] = 4
  ColourSetting [struct] = 3 [36]
    AColourValue [struct] = 3 [12]
      Blue [float32] = 4
      Green [float32] = 4
      Red [float32] = 4
    DColourValue [struct] = 3 [12]
      Blue [float32] = 4
      Green [float32] = 4
      Red [float32] = 4
    SColourValue [struct] = 3 [12]
      Blue [float32] = 4
      Green [float32] = 4
      Red [float32] = 4
  FogSetting [struct] = 4 [24]
    FColourValue [struct] = 3 [12]
      Blue [float32] = 4
      Green [float32] = 4
      Red [float32] = 4
    Far [float32] = 4
    Near [float32] = 4
    ShadowDamper [float32] = 4
  ForecastColour [int32] = 4
  ForecastDelay [float32] = 4
  ForecastOverlay [int32] = 4
  ForecastSound [int32] = 4
  ForecastTemperature [float32] = 4
  ForecastType [int32] = 4
  Overlay [int32] = 4
  SequenceDelay [float32] = 4
  SoundType [int32] = 4
  Temperature [float32] = 4
  ThunderTime [float32] = 4
  Type [int32] = 4
  WindAccel [float32] = 4
  WindSpeed [float32] = 4
Header Structure #124
FlyingCameraRoute = 3
  Name [string] = 0
  Route [list] = 4 [0]
    Control [vector3] = 12
    Position [vector3] = 12
    Target [vector3] = 12
    Time [float32] = 4
  Speed [float32] = 4
Header Structure #125
SavedSelection = 12
  ColOffset [int32] = 4
  Cols [int32] = 4
  FootprintCols [int32] = 4
  FootprintRows [int32] = 4
  GUI2_DatDesc [managedobjectptr] = 8
  HeightOffset [int32] = 4
  Name [string] = 0
  RowOffset [int32] = 4
  Rows [int32] = 4
  Scenery [array] = 9 [0]
    Col [int32] = 4
    Corner [int32] = 4
    Dir [int32] = 4
    FlexiPick0 [int32] = 4
    FlexiPick1 [int32] = 4
    FlexiPick2 [int32] = 4
    Height [int32] = 4
    Row [int32] = 4
    SID [reference] = 8
  Selected [array] = 1 [0]
    Selected [bool] = 1
  Terrain [array] = 1 [0]
    Height [float32] = 4
Header Structure #126
Animal = 11
  AnimLooped [bool] = 1
  AnimSpeed [float32] = 4
  AnimTime [float32] = 4
  AnimTimesPlayed [int32] = 4
  AnimType [int32] = 4
  Palette [int32] = 4
  State [int32] = 4
  StateTimer [float32] = 4
  SubState [int32] = 4
  TimeInPark [float32] = 4
  WorldMatrix [matrix44] = 64
Header Structure #127
Bird = 13
  AnimLooped [bool] = 1
  AnimSpeed [float32] = 4
  AnimTime [float32] = 4
  AnimTimesPlayed [int32] = 4
  AnimType [int32] = 4
  FlightRoute [managedobjectptr] = 8
  Palette [int32] = 4
  State [int32] = 4
  StateTimer [float32] = 4
  SubState [int32] = 4
  TargetPos [vector3] = 12
  TimeInPark [float32] = 4
  WorldMatrix [matrix44] = 64
Header Structure #128
Duck = 17
  AnimLooped [bool] = 1
  AnimSpeed [float32] = 4
  AnimTime [float32] = 4
  AnimTimesPlayed [int32] = 4
  AnimType [int32] = 4
  FlightRoute [managedobjectptr] = 8
  Leader [bool] = 1
  LeftDuck [managedobjectptr] = 8
  Palette [int32] = 4
  RightDuck [managedobjectptr] = 8
  State [int32] = 4
  StateTimer [float32] = 4
  SubState [int32] = 4
  SwimTime [int32] = 4
  TargetPos [vector3] = 12
  TimeInPark [float32] = 4
  WorldMatrix [matrix44] = 64
Header Structure #129
FlightRoute = 0
Header Structure #130
LandingRoute = 9
  Approach [float32] = 4
  ApproachDist [float32] = 4
  ApproachVector [vector3] = 12
  DropDist [float32] = 4
  HeightAbove [float32] = 4
  LandingVector [vector3] = 12
  State [int32] = 4
  TargetPos [vector3] = 12
  Wet [bool] = 1
Header Structure #131
Seagull = 16
  AnimLooped [bool] = 1
  AnimSpeed [float32] = 4
  AnimTime [float32] = 4
  AnimTimesPlayed [int32] = 4
  AnimType [int32] = 4
  FlightRoute [managedobjectptr] = 8
  GuestsAttacked [int32] = 4
  LitterPecked [int32] = 4
  Palette [int32] = 4
  State [int32] = 4
  StateTimer [float32] = 4
  SubState [int32] = 4
  TargetPos [vector3] = 12
  TimeInPark [float32] = 4
  Victim [reference] = 8
  WorldMatrix [matrix44] = 64
Header Structure #132
Tutorial = 5
  Flags [int32] = 4
  Steps [list] = 12 [0]
    FlashingWindow [string] = 0
    ForceNormalCamera [int32] = 4
    ForceOnTop [int32] = 4
    RestrictTrackPlacementX [int32] = 4
    RestrictTrackPlacementY [int32] = 4
    StepRepeat [int32] = 4
    StepTitle [string] = 0
    Text [string] = 0
    Triggers [list] = 2 [0]
      Name [string] = 0
      Type [int32] = 4
    WindowPos [int32] = 4
    WindowWidth [int32] = 4
    WindowsToActivate [list] = 3 [0]
      AndChildren [bool] = 1
      Highlight [bool] = 1
      WindowsToActivate [string] = 0
  TutorialName [string] = 0
  TutorialTitle [string] = 0
  WindowsToActivate [list] = 3 [0]
    AndChildren [bool] = 1
    Highlight [bool] = 1
    WindowsToActivate [string] = 0
Header Structure #133
CarriedItemInstance = 11
  Bad [bool] = 1
  Becomes [managedobjectptr] = 8
  CIDEntry [reference] = 8
  Drink [float32] = 4
  FlexiColour0 [uint8] = 1
  FlexiColour1 [uint8] = 1
  FlexiColour2 [uint8] = 1
  Food [float32] = 4
  Name [string] = 0
  Nausea [float32] = 4
  VoucherTarget [reference] = 8
Header Structure #134
CEDDatabaseEntry = 1
  SymbolName [string] = 0
Header Structure #135
CIDDatabaseEntry = 4
  IsAvailable [bool] = 1
  IsHidden [bool] = 1
  IsInvented [bool] = 1
  SymbolName [string] = 0
Header Structure #136
ShopItemInstance = 10
  CIDEntry [reference] = 8
  Extras [int32] = 4
  FlexiColour0 [uint8] = 1
  FlexiColour1 [uint8] = 1
  FlexiColour2 [uint8] = 1
  Name [string] = 0
  Price [int32] = 4
  SaleItem [reference] = 8
  Stall [managedobjectptr] = 8
  TotalSold [int32] = 4
Header Structure #137
ShopExtraInstance = 2
  CIDEntry [reference] = 8
  Setting [int32] = 4
Header Structure #138
ManagedPlayerProfile = 3
  CurrentScenario [int32] = 4
  PlayerName [string] = 0
  ScenarioData [array] = 2 [0]
    LastSaveName [string] = 0
    Status [int32] = 4
Header Structure #139
AwardMessageEntry = 3
  Text [resourcesymbol] = 0
  Time [float32] = 4
  Type [int32] = 4
Header Structure #140
Awards = 4
  AwardsArray [array] = 1 [0]
    AwardTypes [array] = 1 [0]
      AwardType [int32] = 4
  AwardsAvailable [int32] = 4
  MonthsBeforeAwardsStart [int32] = 4
  SettingArray [array] = 1 [0]
    PrizeMoney [int32] = 4
Header Structure #141
MainCamera = 2
  Or [orientation] = 12
  Pos [vector3] = 12
Header Structure #142
BodyGuard = 90
  AlternateWalkingAnim [int32] = 4
  AngryFace [uint8] = 1
  AnimSpeed [float32] = 4
  AnimTime [float32] = 4
  AnimType [int32] = 4
  AssessSceneryTimer [uint8] = 1
  AttractionEntryIndex [int32] = 4
  AttractionPersonInfo [managedobjectptr] = 8
  AttractionsVisited [list] = 1 [0]
    Attraction [reference] = 8
  AvgTileCol [float32] = 4
  AvgTileCounter [float32] = 4
  AvgTileRow [float32] = 4
  BadEntertainer [bool] = 1
  BadFoodTime [float32] = 4
  BodyOptionals [uint32] = 4
  BodyPartGroup [reference] = 8
  CashInfo [struct] = 9 [36]
    ATMCash [int32] = 4
    CurrentCash [int32] = 4
    SpentOnDrink [int32] = 4
    SpentOnFood [int32] = 4
    SpentOnParkEntry [int32] = 4
    SpentOnRides [int32] = 4
    SpentOnSouvenirs [int32] = 4
    TotalSpent [int32] = 4
    WithdrawnCash [int32] = 4
  ConsumingAmount [float32] = 4
  Consumption [struct] = 3 [12]
    DrinkF [float32] = 4
    FoodF [float32] = 4
    ToiletF [float32] = 4
  CurrentHealth [struct] = 3 [12]
    EnergyF [float32] = 4
    HappinessF [float32] = 4
    NauseaF [float32] = 4
  CurrentWalkAnim [int32] = 4
  DecideTime [float32] = 4
  FacingAngle [float32] = 4
  FallVel [float32] = 4
  FavouriteRide [reference] = 8
  FavouriteRideRating [float32] = 4
  Flags [int32] = 4
  FlockSpeedFactorSmoother [float32] = 4
  GuestGroup [reference] = 8
  HeadOptionals [uint32] = 4
  HeadPartGroup [reference] = 8
  IdleAnim [int32] = 4
  IsAvatar [bool] = 1
  IsFacingPhoto [bool] = 1
  IsInPark [uint8] = 1
  LegsOptionals [uint32] = 4
  LegsPartGroup [reference] = 8
  LevelOfDetail [uint8] = 1
  LookAtDist [float32] = 4
  LookAtExtra [int32] = 4
  LookAtH [float32] = 4
  LookAtTarget [reference] = 8
  LookAtType [int32] = 4
  LookAtV [float32] = 4
  LowerClothingPalette [uint8] = 1
  ManLost [int32] = 4
  MoveSpeed [float32] = 4
  MyHolders [managedobjectptr] = 8
  NameS [string] = 0
  NauseaTolerance [int32] = 4
  NumDrinksBought [int32] = 4
  NumFoodItemsBought [int32] = 4
  NumRidesDone [int32] = 4
  NumSouvenirsBought [int32] = 4
  OnRideTime [uint8] = 1
  ParticleSource [managedobjectptr] = 8
  PathOffset [vector3] = 12
  PerformInterupt [bool] = 1
  PersonType [uint8] = 1
  PhotosTaken [int32] = 4
  PreferedIntensityMax [float32] = 4
  PreferedIntensityMin [float32] = 4
  PreferedRideIntensity [int32] = 4
  QueueingTime [float32] = 4
  RecentThoughts [array] = 5 [0]
    About [reference] = 8
    GuestReference [reference] = 8
    Thought [int32] = 4
    Time [float32] = 4
    Variant [int32] = 4
  RideQueueOffset [float32] = 4
  RideSeating [int32] = 4
  RouteController [reference] = 8
  SkinPalette [uint8] = 1
  StartDate [float32] = 4
  State [int32] = 4
  StateTarget [reference] = 8
  StatsTimer [float32] = 4
  SubState [int32] = 4
  SubType [uint8] = 1
  SwimStuck [bool] = 1
  SwimWanderDir [struct] = 2 [8]
    X [float32] = 4
    Z [float32] = 4
  SwimWantsDir [struct] = 2 [8]
    X [float32] = 4
    Z [float32] = 4
  TargetHealth [struct] = 3 [12]
    EnergyF [float32] = 4
    HappinessF [float32] = 4
    NauseaF [float32] = 4
  TargetOnRideReaction [int32] = 4
  TemporaryAlternateWalkingAnimTimer [float32] = 4
  ThinksToNextBigThink [float32] = 4
  ThoughtsToConsole [bool] = 1
  TimeInPark [int32] = 4
  TimeToNextThink [int32] = 4
  UpperClothingPalette [uint8] = 1
  VomitStarted [bool] = 1
  WaterHeight [float32] = 4
  WayPoints [waypointlist] = 0
  WorldMatrix [matrix44] = 64
Header Structure #143
FlatTagManager = 0
Header Structure #144
GameTime = 3
  DayNightTime [float32] = 4
  Time [float32] = 4
  ZeroTime [float32] = 4
Header Structure #145
PhotoMessageEntry = 6
  CoasterPtr [managedobjectptr] = 8
  GroupPtr [managedobjectptr] = 8
  GuestPtr [managedobjectptr] = 8
  Text [resourcesymbol] = 0
  Time [float32] = 4
  VPointPtr [managedobjectptr] = 8