CSS1.DAT File Format

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The css1.dat file stores the sound effects used in the game. The information here is based on information provided by Jonathon Wilson. The file is a modified WAV List file. The header is as follows:

dword : NumberOfSounds
array[1..NumberOfSounds] of dword : OffsetList // list of offsets within the file for the beginning of the data for each sound.
dword : DataSize // size of sound data

This is followed by a "usual" wav header:

WORD wFormatTag; // Format category
WORD wChannels; // Number of channels
DWORD dwSamplesPerSec; // Sampling rate
DWORD dwAvgBytesPerSec; // For buffer estimation
WORD wBlockAlign; // Data block size
WORD wBitsPerSample; // bit size of each sample

The wFormatTag is "1" to indicate PCM - no compression
wChannels is "1" to indicate mono
dwSamplesPerSec is "22050"
dwAvgBytesPerSec is "44100"
wBlockAlign is "2"
wBitsPerSample is "16"

Thus each DataChunk consists of wav data in PCM, 22050, mono, 16 bit format.

The sounds are in the following order:

lift 1
straight running
lift 2
scream 1
click 1
click 2
place item
scream 2
scream 3
scream 4
scream 5
scream 6
lift 3
cash sound
laying out water
water 1
water 2
train whistle
train chugging
water splash
ride launch 1
ride launch 2
cough 1
cough 2
cough 3
cough 4
rain 1
thunder 1
thunder 2
rain 2
rain 3
tink 1
tink 2
scream 7
toilet flush
click 3
message sound
dialog box sound
person 1
person 2
person 3
haunted house 1
haunted house 2